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API Key for hubspot interface between hubspot and service m8 (native software)

the current thrid party addon (zapier) has limited API intergration betwen hubspot and service m8. We are now using hubspot as part of our business but now need to build an API interface using PHP developers, we have been advised by our developers that they require a Service M8 API Key in order to intergrate the two CRM's together. Can i get or can they get access to the API key to build the intergration we need, or the alternative is we use a direct hubspot partner CRM system that has the inface in mind. Can you Assist?

Zapier Integration

Hi, I am trying to set up a zap through zapier to complete dear inventory integration and am having issues with SKU information etc - could somebody help with this?

REST API usage limits to import data from legacy platform

Hello. We're looking to potentially use servicem8 for our plumbing business but would need to import data from our current CRM (Insightly) for this to work for us. I see that we can import clients via mapping a CSV through your UI, but there doesn't seem to be a way to import historical jobs for those clients. Your API, however, does include a 'jobs' method which allows the creation of a job, so we'd be looking to potentially create our historical jobs for all of our clients through that, then we can ditch our legacy platform. My question, however, is that with your paid plans (which obviously we'd be looking at) there is a max job creation limit per month. Could this limit be waived for the purpose of an initial data import using the API? We would be looking to import around 3,500 jobs for 100's of clients and would obviously do this slowly (eg 1 job per second) to avoid hammering your API endpoint. Many thanks - we're looking forward to switching to this ASAP if we can overcome the above. Cheers James.

Regarding Refresh Token

Hi i am facing problem in API Integration. I created the "Access Token" and "Refresh Token" via API Documentation. but i am able to use the "Refresh Token" only once in "POSTMAN". If i am using second time it shows "Invalid Refresh Token". So i need to get the code via manually again then only i can able to create Access token. My question is, whether its possible to use only one refresh token for every time is there is any way to achieve this? i want to fetch the data from Servicem8 to Zoho creator so i need access token to fetch the data only once rather than creating refresh token every time to fetch the data?

Can you use service m8 like a database

Can you use service m8 like a database. Example we would like to send a yearly/annual service reminder to all our customers who had a hot water system installed and the install is approaching the 12 month date. 1. Can you access all the Hot Water Installations clients in Service m8? The same would apply for other Services provided like annual Air Conditioning service & so much more. 2. Does Service m8 give you access to save/export your client information for safe keeping/storing? 3. Does Service m8 provide free training? Warm regards Kim sheen

How do we create a booking portal in our website domain?

Hi there, we have been using ServiceM8 for a few years now, it has proved a real asset. As we move forward and set ourselves up for growth there are a few things we are starting to bump our heads on, the first being the restrictions of the online booking service. PROBLEM We are trying to run our business based on data. We have been using the online booking service quite extensively, however, the links into Google Analytics are very basic (event types), i.e. we can't track our visitors into the portal and differentiate between organic search, social or PPC customers, which is an issue for us e.g. If we can't track the conversions from PPC, then we can't work out the cost of acquisition in advertising this way and know whether this form of advertising is working for us and whether we can up the budget. We are aware you can track source by manipulating the booking url, however it only reports within ServiceM8 in a very basic format i.e. period - lifetime, 12 months, 90 days, 30 days, last month, displaying as total only and with no export function or, retrospective reporting on a monthly basis. So in its present state, not fit for our needs. We 'think' the fundamental problem is the booking service sits in the ServiceM8 domain and not ours, therefore we are unable to add tracking codes so that it can feed data back to Google Analytics. SOLUTIONS? 1) Is there a better way for us to be able to track our users through Google Analytics, so we can see entire user journeys for organic, social, PPC traffic? 2) Can we build an online booking form on our website and somehow link it into our ServiceM8 account so it functions correctly i.e. offers customers estimate price, booking windows, considers online discounts and travel distance? 3) Assuming the above is possible, could anyone provide some details on how this is done e.g. What API, how we go about it, do we need to find a developer or is this something we can easily do ourselves? And if we do need a developer, any recommendations. FYI, we would be looking to largely replicate the 'fairly' developed ServiceM8 booking portal we have in place presently - you can view it by following the URL below: https://book.servicem8.com/request_service_online_booking?strVendorUUID=28637b08-5851-4e3c-b11e-fb40a27f911b#1caae272-1d41-4bd2-ad78-1bfd13831edb 4) Assuming the above is not possible, could we make our ServiceM8 online booking service display on our website using a frame, so that we are able to put tracking codes on that page? Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Tracking source for google ads conversion

Do we have an option to track the source of the online booking customer, When we land the customer on our website and customer sends enquiry online through servicem8 booking forms which we have set up on our website Instead of directly landing customers to service m8 booking forms.

Google Analytics

Hi - we have a client who relies on a 3rd party provider to track their bookings via Google Analytics. We've set up the ServiceM8 Online Booking form as per normal, and have have configured the Google Analytics tracking ID However, Google Analytics data isn't capturing some of the conversions at all, and in some cases isn't accurately attributing the conversions to the correct source. This is important as without visibility of the conversion source, the customer is able to have accurately reported data for their advertising ROI. I've noticed a couple of other questions have been posted with similar issues, but alas... no responses. Throwing this up here in case.

Issue with my BSB number not showing up on my invoices although i have entered it into the Invoice template

I have had issues recently with my bsb not showing up in my invoices. I have made sure I entered the details correctly where it states BSB on the device template details. still no success with it displaying on my invoices?

API Test or Sandbox

We currently a ServieM8 customer and in the process of developing API integration from 3rd part product into ServiceM8. My question, is there a test or Sandbox environment available to test the API end-end communication ?