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The new API throttling

Hi ServiceM8,

It seems that the REST queries have throttling changes? I see that your documentation was updated today. (Separate to the new webhook throttling.)

Can you clarify if it's per application? So if two applications are being used with the one account, do they have their own limits? (You've said in the docs that it's application and account specific.)

My client has Servicem8 SDK addons that are UI based, querying data along with webhook based synchronisation. Are they combined in the 20,000 requests per day limit, if I wrote them all? Each staff member will be triggering queries, when loading job and client tabs for example - which should be expected.

I'm fetching all changed data triggered via a webhook, so my client can do their own database based reports, since your own filter query logic is very limited. These are starting to fail, for when I request the updated data, I'm getting hit with a 429 response code.

I'm also checking every 24hrs on all objects that are not matching between your data and the data updated via the webhook; since your outages the other week...which is adding to the requests, but we have to have faith in the data coming from servicem8.

I'm not clear on how I can re-request that data 24hrs later, since new requests will have been made in the meantime. Further, as my client adds more and more jobs, the 20,000 limit won't change? They have nationwide plans.

If the limit is across all applications for one account user, then are there ways to have the limit raised? Can it be a % based on the number of jobs and clients (modified in the past 12 months perhaps) an account has?

Is the limit applied from midnight somewhere or is it a rolling 24hrs?