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How do we create a booking portal in our website domain?

Hi there, we have been using ServiceM8 for a few years now, it has proved a real asset. As we move forward and set ourselves up for growth there are a few things we are starting to bump our heads on, the first being the restrictions of the online booking service.


We are trying to run our business based on data. We have been using the online booking service quite extensively, however, the links into Google Analytics are very basic (event types), i.e. we can't track our visitors into the portal and differentiate between organic search, social or PPC customers, which is an issue for us e.g. If we can't track the conversions from PPC, then we can't work out the cost of acquisition in advertising this way and know whether this form of advertising is working for us and whether we can up the budget.

We are aware you can track source by manipulating the booking url, however it only reports within ServiceM8 in a very basic format i.e. period - lifetime, 12 months, 90 days, 30 days, last month, displaying as total only and with no export function or, retrospective reporting on a monthly basis. So in its present state, not fit for our needs.

We 'think' the fundamental problem is the booking service sits in the ServiceM8 domain and not ours, therefore we are unable to add tracking codes so that it can feed data back to Google Analytics.


  1. Is there a better way for us to be able to track our users through Google Analytics, so we can see entire user journeys for organic, social, PPC traffic?

  2. Can we build an online booking form on our website and somehow link it into our ServiceM8 account so it functions correctly i.e. offers customers estimate price, booking windows, considers online discounts and travel distance?

  3. Assuming the above is possible, could anyone provide some details on how this is done e.g. What API, how we go about it, do we need to find a developer or is this something we can easily do ourselves? And if we do need a developer, any recommendations.

FYI, we would be looking to largely replicate the 'fairly' developed ServiceM8 booking portal we have in place presently - you can view it by following the URL below:


  1. Assuming the above is not possible, could we make our ServiceM8 online booking service display on our website using a frame, so that we are able to put tracking codes on that page?

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.