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REST API usage limits to import data from legacy platform

We're looking to potentially use servicem8 for our plumbing business but would need to import data from our current CRM (Insightly) for this to work for us.

I see that we can import clients via mapping a CSV through your UI, but there doesn't seem to be a way to import historical jobs for those clients.
Your API, however, does include a 'jobs' method which allows the creation of a job, so we'd be looking to potentially create our historical jobs for all of our clients through that, then we can ditch our legacy platform.

My question, however, is that with your paid plans (which obviously we'd be looking at) there is a max job creation limit per month. Could this limit be waived for the purpose of an initial data import using the API? We would be looking to import around 3,500 jobs for 100's of clients and would obviously do this slowly (eg 1 job per second) to avoid hammering your API endpoint.

Many thanks - we're looking forward to switching to this ASAP if we can overcome the above.
