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Programatically refresh job card/diary

Hi. I have made an add-on that adds an image to the job diary/notes. The diary entry doesnt show the entry until the job card is closed and opened again. Is there any way to trigger a refresh of the diary section in the parent job card from an add-on card?

Screen Pop

A year ago another user asked a question about Screen Pop which was never answered. I have the same need. We are a Melbourne based developer who build integrations for Telstra. When a customer calls, we can extract their phone number and push it to any CRM type solution such as Salesforce, Zoho, Dynamics, etc. We normally append the phone number to a customer info URL and complete the lookup. However, ServiceM8 does not show the url per customer. Do you have any way that we can achieve this? Your API documentation makes no reference to anything like this. We could also send a restFul payload containing the phone number if you had some way to handle it. I believe this would be a great benefit to the solution.

How can I get a view of all user calendars in servicem8?

How can I get a view of all user calendars in servicem8?

Support please

Hi. Been 3 days since my query why the Addon system isnt working. I tried submitting a support ticket but keep getting directed here where there is no response. Can ServiceM8 please respond as I need to know that the 25 clients I am migrating from WorkflowMax will have the functionality they need.

Can I add Material Items List to Quotes and Invoicing for a respective Job # from external Tool by any means?

We have a 3rd party seperate tool called Measure to track all the Materials, Quantity and related cost for a Job , it becomes redundant to enter the same list in Quotes and Invoicing Tab. So, we are wondering what could be the right direction to automate this. Guidance is appreciated.

Job/Job Activity APIs stopped working

Hi, SM8 is returning the Internal Error on our Job/Job Activity API calls ("<https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job.json?%24filter=active%20eq%20'1'">). There is not much data (no more than 1,000 records). Everything was working till Saturday morning (i.e. 2/12/2023). Is there a problem with your Server? Thanks, Andriy

Bulk Import Wizard Issue

Hello, I am trying ServiceM8’s 14 day trial and do not seem to be “Validating record(s)”?


Has anyone created an add for F-gas compliance?

Open ServiceM8 Job window via link

Hello, I am have developed a custom add on for my client for their franchisees. When they accept the job to be theirs, it creates a job with the customer information within their ServiceM8 account, I would then like to offer them a link to open the job, by clicking a simple button (same solution that is in Xero, when ServiceM8 sends an invoice to Xero, there is a button in Xero that allows me to open the ServiceM8 job) I assume I just need to use the OAUTH token from the API connection, the job UUID and know and understand the URL structure to achieve this.

Filtering by Custom Field

Hi. I get correct results when filtering the API on a custom field like this: [company.json?%24filter=customfield_prop_id%20eq%20123](company.json?%24filter=customfield_prop_id%20eq%20x) If I search for something that shouldnt result in a match it always returns the first company/client in the list of clients. eg Changed search value to unused value: [company.json?%24filter=customfield_prop_id%20eq%2012333333](company.json?%24filter=customfield_prop_id%20eq%20x)