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Form Response API

Hi, I need your help regarding the form response: 1. I want to capture "Job Id" when the form submit (example: When a form is submit using JobId=2141 then I want to get that Id in a JSON response when a form submit. 2. How can I send email using a specific jobID

I want to call my external URL when someone click on button.

I am creating an ADD-ON SDK. This addon creates a button on job board. I want to hit my external URL when someone click on the button. Can you please help me how can I do it? is I need to set external URL in manifest.json? If yes, then how? External URL Like: <https://yourdomain.com/API/download_attachments/get_attachments.php?job_id={job_uuid}> Thanks in advance.

Attaching files via the API

In the developer docs (<https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/attaching-files-to-a-job-diary>) for adding attachments to jobs via the API, should the endpoint for submitting the attachment data be POST <https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/Attachment/2404fbd2-cff6-4222-86b4-54a6ea4dbb8b.json> instead of POST <https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/Attachment/2404fbd2-cff6-4222-86b4-54a6ea4dbb8b.file> ? (IE .json instead of .file) ![](https://files.readme.io/7726338-Capture4.PNG) The docs for attaching files indicate it should be .json -> <https://developer.servicem8.com/reference/post-attachment-single> ![](https://files.readme.io/8f329cd-Capture5.PNG) Thanks Hamish

accidently removed a customer/client

I have accidently removed a client, I desperatly need to get them back, is there a way?

ServiceM8 Phone

Has anyone used the ServiceM8 phone and have some feedback for it? We are looking at implementing it for our company but haven't found anyone that used it

Can I know which API endpoint I have to use to remove the job from the queue?

Can I know which API endpoint I have to use to remove the job from the queue?

Job toolbar button to open an external web page / URL

We are developing an order form and wish to add a button in toolbar to open our from via URL and include the job uuid so we can refer back to the job via REST API For example: <https://www.myexternalsite.com/servicem8/orderform?job_uuid=XXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX> Is there any such option or example we may use as a guide? Thank you Mark

Job Templates Upon Creation

We are pushing jobs into ServiceM8 through the API. <https://developer.servicem8.com/reference/post-job-create> Is there any chance to add Job templates to the API endpoint so we can pre determine the correct template to apply to a new job?

API fields - unsure which ones to use

Hello, We are using API and are bit lost figuring out the exact API fields that are for jobs: - duration - booking date - booking time We went through here: <https://developer.servicem8.com> But it is not very clear as the fields we have tried did not do us any good. Thank you!

Getting started with Hello World Addon - "Error Packaging Function. Please try again or contact support for assistance."

I am following the steps in this video: <https://servicem8.wistia.com/medias/wq8m85x2ib> using scripts for hello world here: <https://github.com/servicem8/addon-sdk-samples> When saving the function it validates but then get the error: "Error Packaging Function. Please try again or contact support for assistance." Add on appears in Features and Integrations but no option to switch on/off. Are the code samples suggested by your guides correct? <https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/getting-started-1>