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staff endpoint suddenly not working

We call the <https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/staff.json> endpoint for our environment. As of last night we have started getting a CloudFront error on call. If we filter based on edit date and slowly increase the filter, we can manage to get a call to succeed and return 203 staff, but any higher than that, the call fails. Anyone know whats going on? Seems like something changed yesterday as we make this call multiple times a day and it was working last week.

Franchise Module Deactivation

I am trying to navigate the changes that will need to be made with the franchise module deactivation. we are a large company and have to disconnect 8 franchises. I have noticed when changing our logins from "main franchise" to "individual" that staff have lost the ability to view staff specific notifications (every staff now sees every notification). I have also found that we have lost the ability to view multiple screens in one browser. (e.g having multiple franchise areas open at once). with the disconnect will there be a way to bring these functions back.

Zapier integration

Is it possible to have Trigger - new job - but without the internal trigger of a job category? We want to push new jobs through to our CRM but some are uncategorised. Additionally, it would be helpful to have the option to move contacts through the zaps based on Job Status (quote, unsuccessful etc). Is any of this on the cards? Thank you.

SM8 Form Questions linked to Word Doco Standard Forms using Conditions

Hi Have a standard microsoft form with 4x questions, 2x text questions and 3x photo's on a standard form and am wanting to do the following: 1. Be able to skip all 9x questions i.e. 4x questions inserting a tick into the field code on the microsoft form and skip the other 3x questions. 2. On the same SM8 form questions. Answer 'no' to the first question, which allows each of the 4x questions to be answered individually choosing yes, no or n/a inserting this information into the standard microsoft form Can SM8 do this as it is presently is OR will something need to be built? Please advise much thanks Suzanne

Where is the link between JobID and StaffID of person who completed the install

Hello, One of our programmers is accessing the API's to download the data for us to aid in our reporting requrements and we are having issues trying to find the correct data required. The Job Master file stores the job details and the JobUUID identifier, but what we require is the file and the join to the file that can identify the staff member/user who performed the install. The JOBACTIVITIES table has a list of activities and the StaffUUID against the jobUUID but these can have multiple people against the job - we need the flag that identifies which staff member did the install at the job. For example in the Job Activities for job 455 we have the following staffid's showing activity -- How do we identify the one who did the install, what other fields/files do we need to use? 5DEDAEF7-DAA7-4C6F-9A8D-301C7D8D00AB 0B0DD66F-A1F0-418C-A6A0-32855E374CCB 5B998FA5-FA02-4169-98FF-72B67C9D6F4B C3A9EB96-4256-43C4-A304-B1183382F0BB EBBB6749-A894-402F-AD74-B8A30583B09B 5BA09A04-D614-4790-963A-D5DA66E989DB Thanks

Scope section on docs broken

See https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/authentication It seems the scope table has been placed in a code block so not displaying correctly

ssue with Creating Clients via API - "Invalid value for badges, must be a JSON array"; error Message

I've been encountering an issue when attempting to create a client via the API. Specifically, I am consistently receiving an error related to the "badges" field, stating "Invalid value for badges, must be a JSON array," regardless of the format I use in the field. Here is an example of the JSON body I am sending: { "id": "<UUID>", "name": "<name>", "badges": [ "badges_UUID"; ], "address": {} } It's important to note that the error consistently occurs, even when I try different formats for the "badges" field, whether it is a string or an array. Surprisingly, the API call is successful when the "badges" field is left empty. If there are any specific requirements or changes needed in the API call, please provide guidance. Additionally, if there are any known issues or updates related to this matter, I would be grateful for that information.

Template pricing update

Hello, My templates prices do not update as I modify them in material lists. If there a reason for this or a solution?

Quick Codes linked to Contacts (not just assets)

Hi ServiceM8 Please advise if possible to have quick codes linked to each customer contact in SM8? I.e. if it is being worked on (with proposed date of completion) or of strong consideration? We are a company that does regular on-site maintenance. A quick code sticker on site linked to SM8 customer for super quick access to i.e. on-site relevant forms would be beneficial. I would think to a large number of trades. Making SM8 more appealing to a wider network. Please reply and let me know if possible? with thanks regards - Suzanne

Mailchimp Integration: what 'Status' are clients allocated in Mailchimp when you do the integration?

We want to set up the Mailchimp integration Add On but are in the tricky position of not technically having permission (yet) to send our clients marketing emails (their data was gathered either pre GDPR, or marketing permission was not expressly collected at the time of gathering the data. If I set up the integration, are all clients allocated 'Subscriber' status? [does Mailchimp assume you already have marketing permission. [I've asked Mailchimp already & they say "For more information on how a specific integration is intended to work, I would recommend reaching out to the developers of the integration itself." So here I am..... Grateful for any help please.