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Invoice and Payment

Hello team, which API I have to use to get the Invoices and Payments details from serviceM8

Job Scheduled As MailChimp Trigger

Our wait times can be long. Therefore we have a MailChimp series that sends periodically to let the customer know they have not been forgotten. We need a method to stop the MailChimp series when we finally get the job scheduled. i.e. when we schedule the job we need a trigger to tell MailChimp to stop. If we can't do it via the simple act of scheduling, we also send a manual email template confirming the time, if the sending of this could be used. Alternatively, if the act of scheduling or sending this email could add a badge to the job (we could create a new "Scheduled" badge), could the addition of this badge be the trigger? Or some other way? Many thanks in advance. Happy to pay for a solution.

Job Allocations

Hi, I have used a few of the API calls successfully to get job information. Except for job allocations. When I submit a job allocation request, I receive a 200 OK response code. However, the request is blank.

Change the order of Action button in ServiceM8 App

Hi, I'm helping a client creating an add-on and but am having trouble figuring out how to rearrange where the action buttons appear on the App. Ideally, the new action button would be on the first window when I open up a job. However, as it is right now, I have to open the "+" button to access the job actions and then I have to scroll down all the way to the bottom to access the job. Is there a way to rearrange the job actions or even move it to the first window Thanks.

ascociating a job to a specific asset

I really need to be able to associate at a minimum job card to an asset that was worked on. Preferably tracking the labor with description along with materials used discretely as I may work on more than one piece of equipment on a given visit and invoice.

Error when trying to create a task (solved)

For anyone else getting this error when creating a task: I get the error: 400 related_object is not valid The docs do not say anything about having to include the related object (plus that field isn't marked as required) nor do the docs explain what a related object is. But... you do in fact need to include a related object, like the Job. You need to use two fields, like so: "related_object":"job", "related_object_uuid":"b668721f------" The "related_object" term appears to come from the endpoint name, for example, the two I used were: job.json jobcontact.json Hope that helps someone.

Submit Batch Changes for Materials

Hi, I can't find anywhere in the documentation that seems to allow for batch changed to materials. Does anyone know if this is possible, or if I will need to submit a request for each material that requires quantity updating? I have a client with over 1000 inventoried items, and if they purchase several different materials, say seven, from a single vendor, it seems like I will have to have their inventory system submit seven individual requests for a materials quantity update. I'd prefer, if possible, to just submit a single array or dictionary if possible. Thanks.

Automatically Display Job

Hi, I am just playing around with some ideas and features I have seen in the Xero integration where in Xero I can click a button and it will navigate to: https://go.servicem8.com/Xero_ViewInvoice?id=##jobUid## Which then in ServiceM8 becomes something like the following: https://go.servicem8.com/dbo_display_v2?&s_intAutomaticallyDisplayJobId=10&s_strObjectName=job&s_auth=1ab17d68f5e9c07249e8963ace05f7a8 and the ModifyJob modal is opens. My question is, if I know the Job Uid in my third party application, which I am developing for a client to automatically populate ServiceM8 with supplier purchases, can I too do the same external link button in my application? I have tried, to use the: https://go.servicem8.com/Xero_ViewInvoice?id=##jobUid## it works some of the time, but it seems to fail maybe when the auth ID has expired. Any clarity on this would be great

Possible API with property manager program

Hi is it possible or has it already been achieved to allow an API integration with property managers program for ease of data transfer into servicem8?

Random question

What support channels are offered by ServiceM8?