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Badges is not working for me in creation of jobs using API

Hi there,
Please help me regards jobs creation API, All other this things are working fine for me. But the only issue is attaching badges to the job. Can you please help me.
My code is

$data = array(
"status" => "Work Order",
"active" => 1,
"badges" => ["98e60b34-4ab5-4bab-8266-32ffb014feeb","5575f149-1e03-491f-be6f-494a00deb45b"],
"job_address" => $s_address,
"billing_address" => $s_address,
"job_description" => $item_headings,
"category_uuid" => "bdbb285a-4a95-4504-a91e-73891233d71b",

Please help me ASAP