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Demo account provision

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Handling Webhook and Handling the Verification Requests

I am trying to create a integromat webhook scenario to watch for any changes to the job card. From what I gather, once setup, integromat will listen for any data that serviceM8 sends. If I was to change the job description in the job card and click save, serviceM8 would send the data in the change fields array, and the webhook would then pick it up and trigger a scenario.

Job Diary E-mail Type Through API


Webhook notifications for badges being applied

My client would like to create an integration based on the application of badges.

Job Endpoint Create/Update [Missing Data]

I don't know if I'm missing something - which is entirely possible! But when i update or create a new job using the REST API, if the customer is an existing customer and I use their uuid the job and billing contact fields are set to blank as is the job address and billing address.

Programming languages for API?

Hi there,

Link sms to job through API

When creating a job through the API we then use the sms api to send an sms to the client, but the sms does not appear in the notes section of the job once sent?

Bulk import sites

Looking to bulk import sites. Anyone able to help?

Connect wordpress form to servicem8


Attachments retrieval not working

Hi, I am trying to setup an attachment retrieval API code.