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How to get the job details from ServiceM8 to Zoho CRM?

Hi folks,

I'm trying to push the job details from ServiceM8 to Zoho CRM when a job is created. However, I'm not sure what endpoint to use to get the Email, Name, Phone, and Mobile.

This one is a good example, however, it does not have the above details I need: curl -u email:password "https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job.json?%24filter=company_uuid%20eq%20'10420f98-7626-4405-bf43-043f1036623b'"

Also, if you can please suggest a way to get the job details pushed to Zoho CRM (Webhook, Rest API, etc), I would highly appreciate it.

I'm not a programmer, so every step that I take here would require me a lot of research. Please make it layman's.

Thank you!