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Not able to see Company Contacts

Hello Support ,

This is Regarding integration of Birdeye with ServiceM8. I am working on Lead/Contact writeBack to help serviceM8 to find its potential customers which we found at Birdeye Platform. I can see that in the Client Section of the dashboard it is showing only contacts who are created via Job . I want to know does it show all possible Company Contacts on the dashboard ???. I have created few Company contacts using Curl ->
curl --location 'https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/companycontact.json'
--header 'accept: application/json'
--header 'authorization: Basic dGlsYWtyYWoucmFvQGJpcmRleWUuY29tOkJpcmRleWVAMTIz'
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-raw '
"active": 1,
"company_uuid": "79a31fdd-21b6-4ebd-8fb5-208d8344da9b",
"first": "Abhinav",
"last": "K",
"phone": "4034398348",
"mobile": "54480984398",
"email": "abhinav@gmail.com",
"type": "JOB",
"is_primary_contact": "yes"
but the contact which i created using this API those are not showing on dashboard.
would be looking forward to your response.

Also it would be great it you can share a Support Email so that I can clarify all my doubts about the API support and all .
