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API migration

Can an API be used to allow Square POS system to migrate with Servicem8 customer database? Thanks

Custom Fields API Call - 401

I'm trying to do a GET as documented here: https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#custom-fields-1 So far I've been able to do GETs on over a dozen other entities (Jobs, Tasks etc) and they're all ok. But when I try to get the Custom Fields listing, I get this error: 401 Unauthorized : You couldn't be authenticated I've tried both with my Auth Token (as per the other entities), and without. And in Postman and also with your Try It button on that page. Please help.

What is the turn around time?

What is the turn around time for API Conx Privilege that can servicem8 give to us?

POS Wordpress Integration

Hi, I was just wondering if you could help provide some information about ServiceM8 and functionality of your system. I have a web dev client who currently uses ServiceM8 in their business. They have requested an eCommerce website build and have said that they area able to use ServiceM8 as a Point of Sales system for products and eCommerce. I am just wanting to find out if this in fact possible with the Service M8 system and if you have any integration with platforms such as WordPress or WooCommerce. From what I could find online there is not any documentation available referring to this so I understand this may not be something that you offer. I have also found some limited documentation on integration with Zappier and Vend, however, it didn't provide much of a solution. If you could provide any information in regards to this it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


What is the "task_details" in the task table/endpoint used for? Is this a legacy field?

attachment in Job conversation through API

We have an account with you and want to do some activities, We e-mail and submit tickets a couple of time but never get a valid response, so I would like to get this done if you providing such kind of permissions, my comment is below: We wanted to show the attachment in Job conversation through API, We able to send the attachment to you and it's showing in JSON format that you receive but we want to show this attachment in Job history Detail Box, so could you help us to get this attachment in details Box through APIs. Also, I attached the screenshots where you can see where we want to show our submitted attachment via your API. So, Again I am asking: we need another API to show this attachment in the Job history conversation BOX. Hope to hear from you soon!

Create a popup when a certain event occurs

Hi ServiceM8, I have a phone system and when an operator answers a call, I would like to open a pop up with two buttons - 1st button creates a job with the data from the phone system and the second button to open the client information(if there is a client associated with this phone number or open the Create Client wizard with the data from the phone system). At the moment, using the ServiceM8 API, I can check if a client exists with this phone number and get its data. Also I can create a job and a client. But I am not able to create this popup asynchronously(when the call is answered). Can you please help me with that? Thanks in advance for the info.

Retrieving a list of recurring jobs from API

Hi I would like to pull a list of recurring jobs from the API, is there some information on this?

Identify Scheduled Job deletion

I have setup a webhook to trigger on job scheduling activity. I can identify from the webhook payload when a job is scheduled i.e changed fields includes 'activity_was_scheduled'. How do I identify when a scheduled job has been deleted?

Change invoice name after sending

How do i resend an invoice after sending with a different customers name. I have sent a partial invoice with an incorrect name or and address needs to be changed and resent. I have then updated my ongoing job with the correct information. How do I do this??