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Status Code Error: 500' CONSTATLY OCCURING

Hi there,

I have a bunch of automations setup using the API. They have been working brilliantly for the last 2 years or so, however recently I have been receiving Status Code Error: 500 returns and they are switching off my automations.

The interesting thing is that there seems to be no rhyme nor reason to these errors occurring. I just go back in and switch them back on and they'll run for a day or so, then error again.

"Scenario has encountered an error while being initialized. Fix the error or clear the queue. The reason is: Cannot initialize the scenario because of the reason 'Failed to verify connection '1. SM8 Get info from SM8 into PD'. Status Code Error: 500"

Could you please take a look and see if you can see what may be causing this? Seems like it is within ServiceM8 not returning a valid response token.

Many thanks