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ServiceM8 Phone Call History using API

I want to get ServiceM8 Phone call history using API. Can you please send me the link to that endpoints? Also, does phone calls API provides webhooks?

CRM Integration

We are looking for a CRM that will integrate with Servicem8 and Xero but keep the the bulk of the sales and contracts communication/data out of Servicem8 as we are concerned that it will bog down the system which we are currently using well for our Production crew. Can anyone please advise of options that are available? We are currently using Greenrope as our CRM but would be willing to change to another if the integration work has already been achieve.


ServiceM8 11 Updates

Hello Dev Team!


Security_Role_UUID does not get updated via API


Implementing Webhooks in Ruby application

Good day/evening to all.

Getting Multiple Attachments For Same Edited Attachment.

Hello Team,

Get Assigned Staff for a Job via the API


Redirect uri

Hi all,

Webhook Listener and Zapier

We built an app following the webhook instructions and were able to add it as an add on to our servicem8 account. We created the webhook using Postman and the callback URL would be something that Zapier specified.