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Client Sites API

We build integration with ServiceM8 system. After researching your API documentation we have one question. We do not find any information on how we can create, update, delete or find a special client site. So the question is where we can find API descriptions for controlling client sites?

Timesheet information

Hi, I'm building a data pipeline to sync our data into a data warehouse, and I'm almost finished. It follows the [Singer specification](https://www.singer.io/) so I'm actually going to open-source it once complete. I just can't see timesheet information anywhere in the API reference - is this job activities, or something else? I'm sure this information is accessible somewhere as we're currently using Wink reports (who use the ServiceM8 API) to get the data out and they have timesheet information. Cheers

Search Clients using name or email

Hi there, Please could you help me with API. I can see Client endpoint where we can retrieve a client knowing their uuid - https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#get-client-single However, if I do not have uuid, but, say, have client name or client email and would like to find if I have a client with this name or email - could it be done? Thank you, Roman

Oauth V2 Private Zapier Integration

I am trying to connect zapier to servicem8 and provide a deeper integration that what zapier currently provides. I want to be able to send sms and email from zapier but through servicem8 by building a private integration here: https://zapier.com/platform Has anyone done this? Having issues with Oauth authentication.

Integrate my simple online booking form

I there a way to integrate the simple online booking form into my website rather than using the link in the settings tab? I want to embed it in my contact us page.

What fields we need to pass for Create or Update a Webhook Subscription

Hi,I am new at this. I want to set a webhook which will triggers we the data whenever a job is created or updates . I need to ask that for: fields REQUIRED string Comma-separated list of valid fields in this object to subscribe to. what fields I need to pass to get the data for both create and update operations. https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#post_webhook_subscriptions

Create a popup when a certain event occurs

Hi ServiceM8, I have a phone system and when an operator answers a call, I would like to open a pop up with two buttons - 1st button creates a job with the data from the phone system and the second button to open the client information(if there is a client associated with this phone number or open the Create Client wizard with the data from the phone system). At the moment, using the ServiceM8 API, I can check if a client exists with this phone number and get its data. Also I can create a job and a client. But I am not able to create this popup asynchronously(when the call is answered). Can you please help me with that? Thanks in advance for the info.

How to change AddOn status to Ready (AWS Lambda integration)

Hi all, I'm having trouble with an AddOn that uses an AWS Lambda integration. I'm trying to set up an OAuth key for it, but I don't think it will let me because the AddOn is showing as "Not Ready" Is there a check-list that I can follow to find out why this is the case, or how to get the status to change to ready?

Link sms to job through API

When creating a job through the API we then use the sms api to send an sms to the client, but the sms does not appear in the notes section of the job once sent? Do we have to link the messageID to the job somehow?

Where do I find my UUID key?

Hey there, we're working on a custom integration...and my devs are asking for my UUID key? Please advise?