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Bug: Job Materials being removed if two staff / or API and staff access the same Job.

We have found a bug in relation to job materials being marked as removed for jobs where more than one user/api is accessing, or has accessed the job.

For example if a staff member has a job card open and is adding materials or updating the job notes etc, and the API inserts Job Materials in to the job. When the staff member clicks save, the Job Materials sent via API have their status changed to removed.

To extend on this issue, I was able to repeat it within ServiceM8 itself.
One browser is logged in via incognito, the other is not.
If I impersonate one staff member and add materials to a job, and then another staff member does the same. The jobs are now loaded as is.
If either of these staff members open that job card again without the need to refresh their browser, they don't see the materials the other staff member added, and so if they click save, then the materials added by the other is marked as removed.

The same issue occurs if you are on the iOS app, and add a material item to the job, and someone on their desktop is adding a note or additional items to the job they had opened.

I have recorded two videos to demonstrate the issues explained above, unfortunately no audio, however, I did write in the materials description or job notes what is taking place.


Please feel free to reach out for more information, if required.