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How to test a Servicem8 custom add-on under development on the mobile app

I'm working on creating a custom add-on for Servicem8. While it works in the dispatch board within jobs on the web version, I'm struggling to locate the same add-on within the mobile app. Can Servicem8 support this feature on mobile, and if it can, what's the process to enable it?

Assett Labels

Have previusoly ordered customer assett labels from Exelprint. After testing them they are not standing up to the enviroments that we need to use them (mining) We use a Brady M71 printer that will allows us to print on more stable materials suited to the installation conditions. This printer can generate customer qr codes and bardoces using a range of symboly and has the abilty to print sequenced labels or just have a single data value, we can adjust density and print ratios. Is it possible to setup our own qr asset labels or are we limited to those offered by excel print?

Programatically refresh job card/diary

Hi. I have made an add-on that adds an image to the job diary/notes. The diary entry doesnt show the entry until the job card is closed and opened again. Is there any way to trigger a refresh of the diary section in the parent job card from an add-on card?

Intermittent failure to Update Quote Line Items via API

We have noticed an increasing prevalence of Job updates via API not being shown in SM8 jobs. We update Quote Line Items and Work Completed inside SM8 Jobs, as well as sending PDFs to the Job Diary. Work Completed and PDFs always update – but sometimes the Line Items do not appear in the jobs. We do not get an error message because SM8 accepts the data – but sometimes it fails to publish the line items. Since last Tuesday this occurs much more frequently – it used to be once every 500 updates or so – now we have customers where it happens multiple times a week. The Job shows the 'Work Completed', but the line items are empty. If we send another update to the SM8 Job (containing a single line item), it prompts SM8 to show all the line items that have been sent previously. This proves that the data from initial upload is in SM8, but something is stopping the publication of the data to the SM8 Job. The second upload from FlatRateNOW prompts SM8 to show the data. Has anyone else noticed this? Thanks

Geocordinates in new Job via API

I already have coordinates for jobs so when I add via the API, they are overridden by a search on the address. If I make the address invalid eg "job_address": "crap address ", "lng":171.34470269," "lat":-42.09278384, ...it defaults to the head office location "lng": 174.7644881, "lat": -36.8508827, What is the usage of lat+lng paramaters in the job create API? <https://developer.servicem8.com/reference/post-job-create>

Custom fields numeric conversion, delete failure

I have created a numeric custom field and when I set one record to the value of 5555555 then look at the result via api or web interface and the value turns up as 5555560. I query the api for list of existing customfields and get this: [{"uuid":"81c6df78-765e-4bc4-885c-203f5cc5010b","object":"job","display_name":"Property ID","field_name":"prop_id","field_type":"Numeric","is_unique":0,"sort_priority":0,"max_length":0},{"uuid":"96051471-5c35-48ff-b768-203f59a3303b","object":"company","display_name":"Property ID","field_name":"prop_id","field_type":"Numeric","is_unique":1,"sort_priority":0,"max_length":0},{"uuid":"fbbb2eee-3ead-414b-b51d-203f5401ecdb","object":"job","display_name":"Kowhai Lead ID","field_name":"quote_lead_id","field_type":"Numeric","is_unique":0,"sort_priority":0,"max_length":0}] Immediately after I try to delete the fields and get this for each attempt: {"errorCode":100,"message":"Invalid UUID"} The DELETE method is called with payload of e.g. UUID=81c6df78-765e-4bc4-885c-203f5cc5010b as per documentation.

Filtering by Custom Field

Hi. I get correct results when filtering the API on a custom field like this: [company.json?%24filter=customfield_prop_id%20eq%20123](company.json?%24filter=customfield_prop_id%20eq%20x) If I search for something that shouldnt result in a match it always returns the first company/client in the list of clients. eg Changed search value to unused value: [company.json?%24filter=customfield_prop_id%20eq%2012333333](company.json?%24filter=customfield_prop_id%20eq%20x)

Custom Feilds Calculation

Is it possible to run a custom field input through an equation before having the output on say a quote template? Has anyone done this?

Is there a way to create a zap to create a job

hi looking to zap in a job but its needs to be able to use a job template, is this possible?

Status Code Error: 500' CONSTATLY OCCURING

Hi there, I have a bunch of automations setup using the API. They have been working brilliantly for the last 2 years or so, however recently I have been receiving Status Code Error: 500 returns and they are switching off my automations. The interesting thing is that there seems to be no rhyme nor reason to these errors occurring. I just go back in and switch them back on and they'll run for a day or so, then error again. "Scenario has encountered an error while being initialized. Fix the error or clear the queue. The reason is: Cannot initialize the scenario because of the reason 'Failed to verify connection '1. SM8 Get info from SM8 into PD'. Status Code Error: 500" Could you please take a look and see if you can see what may be causing this? Seems like it is within ServiceM8 not returning a valid response token. Many thanks