Intermitent issue with apartment / unit number not being returned
When retrieving locations via the SM8 api we are getting strange and inconsistent responses where addresses that contain a '/' in them are not returning the prefix.
So for example: 1/123 fake st sometimes returns "geo_number=123" and other times it returns "geo_number=1/123"... there seems to be to rhyme or reason , its seems completely random.
Here is a screenshot of the returned Location response:
and here it is entered into sm8 job address directly
and here's the job address (returned as a single string)
But as I say I could try again and sometimes the Location geo_number would show correctly "1/100".. so yeah random!
Any ideas how to solve this ? One theory I had is that SM8 are running multiple servers and some of them are running different code as it looks like a classic example of this is when you use queue's and the worker doesn't get restarted after code has been deployed and continues running the previous version of the app