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PATCH request not working in Postman

hi, I am trying to update "date" and "job_address" in job/uuid.json I got a problem updating them via POST request in Postman, Status showing OK 200, but the body showing the html source code of the servicem8 website. I have no problem using PUT request to update the whole lot of data on same uuid.json what is causing this?


Can I manage my inventory in Service M8?

Issues with program

I have been given this link through the ServiceM8 help chat. We are looking at some trying to work around some issues we are having with the program which we have had on trial for a month and just signed up for our Namely the materials list that does not have a supplier with a direct pricing upgrade link like Reece does. We use Galvins here in WA. We already have issues with the MYOB intergration where we have to manually manipulate the product name prior to uploading the csv file to ensure it is under 30 characters long, otherwise it converts it back to the Item code and our trades are unable to search properly for products. This is a time consuming process and one that will be difficult to replicate monthly to check our prices. It also appears the only way then to have current prices on our system would be to have somebody from your end set the Wizard to remove all products monthly so I can upload again. There must be other companies that use other suppliers other than Reece that have a similar issues. Our other issue is with the invoice date being the date of completion rather than the date we invoice. There is quite often a delay of up to a week between the completion of the job, the checking and uploading of materials etc and the invoicing. This means when we try to raise an invoice, it is due before the date we raise it. We are also wanting COMPLETE confirmation that the same issue does not happen with Xero as the business owners are considering changing but will be furious if the issue carries over.

Allow Staff/Subcontractors to set daily availability

Hi, is there a way to create an add on to allow staff/contractors to be able to block out certain times in their calendar to prevent jobs being added when they are not available to work? Similar to the staff leave, but to block out hourly times not the entire day, and have this changeable real time from within the servicem8 app. So essentially have a button that says "block out time" and they can add unavailable times. This is mainly for contractors and subcontractors. Thank you

I am trying to import jobs from csv file (tradify) into servicem8

Have a client who wants to bring in all jobs from previous system (tradify) I have a csv file. I have tried the bulk import feature in job history but with no luck. Does any one have a better solution.

Working with multiple quote

Hey Guys, With the new servicem8 release I see multiple quotes can be produced to send to clients. From these multiple quotes one can be selected and it will revert the line items to the quote that was selected. How do we modify the info from each quote after it has been produced?

Add custom fields via create job

When creating a job as documented here: https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#post-job-create is it possible to also add custom field data in the same call/request?

Custom fields on badges

When I create a custom field on a badge using the API it does not show up on my job or company screen when the job already has a custom field? When do the badge custom fields kick in? I would assume on selection of the badge? So I did the following: * Create badge through API * Create custom field on badge through API * Create a new Job and selected the badge Expected to see extra custom fields but they did not appear? Reading the docs I see this: The solution is to use badge custom fields, badge custom fields allow the user to ‘activate’ custom fields on a per record basis by activating a badge. For example, if you would like to track additional vehicle data (such an make, model, colour), you could add custom fields to every job in the system – even though not every job would be related to a vehicle, or you can create a ‘vehicle’ custom badge, and then attach make, model and colour to the custom badge. When users activate the vehicle badge on a job, your custom fields are immediately displayed, enabling the user to store the required data without compromising every future job entered.

Deposit paid through Stripe on the Online Booking Form

Hi, when a deposit payment is made on the online booking form using Stripe, are the card details of that customer saved onto the Stripe Dashboard? This is a feature of Stripe in Ireland when they pay an invoice through a link or over the phone, their card details are always saved to your dashboard for future charging. However, I am not sure if the API with ServiceM8 allows the card details to be saved? Stripe's answer was: ' Hi Luke, I hope this email finds you well. During the call we talked about how to save the card details to a customer. This is a feature that Stripe supports, however, it needs some integration before you can search for your customer information by name or address. When you create a charge for a new customer, you're also creating a customer object for them with their email address and saving it in your dashboard. While the email is the only attribute we require for creating this object, there are several optional ones you can collect as well, including names and addresses. https://stripe.com/docs/api/customers/object That information will be passed to Stripe with the card information, and we'll store it in your dashboard so you can later search for your customer by any of the information you include. Since you are using some third party plugins to create your charges, you'll want to reach out to the support teams for them to be sure they're also collecting and passing customer information to Stripe correctly.' If this is not possible, is it possible to hire someone to change the API for me to allow this? Thank you in advance.

Adding an attachment via the API

Hi there, I am following the instructions here: https://developer.servicem8.com/v1.0/docs/attaching-files-to-a-job-diary to attach an image file to a job. I am up to step 3 and I am even getting a 200 response code on this call and in ServiceM8 in the job file I can see the image is being attached/created which is great but the image itself is blank? In the file parameter of the POST request in step 3 I am just using a standard public URL like this one for example: https://www.unitedrentals.com/sites/default/files/safety_training/safety-training_jobsite.jpg Is there something I am missing? Thanks,