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How to get profit margin from job?

![](https://files.readme.io/8e51b70-image.png) <br> How do you get this profit data from the API? Thanks <br>

Job address not showing up

I type in an address (or client) and all the results come up with the same address (the client address rather than the site address). If you open the job it has the correct address in the field. It only happens every so often <br>

How do I create a test app with the addon callback URL set to localhost?

Hello, I am trying to create a new integration that uses oauth and the self hosted web service function. This requires the oauth2 callback URL to be set. However, trying to set it to https\://localhost:3000/partners/servicem8/callback does not seem to work (this is only for testing) and it instead returns a 403 error - how can I set it to localhost so that I am able to test my callback? Thanks.

Quoted jobs doubling up once accepted to work order & how to create reports

Hi, How do we go about once a quote has been accepted and booked making sure the job isnt doubled up. We are finding that the job is being accepted but sitting on original day of quote request even though the booking date has changed to when the work is to be completed. So we are having two work orders being created instead of the system removing the original and moving it to the new booking date. <br> Also how do we create reports for our plumbers to complete while on site where they can add information and photo's so that they can be send with the invoice. So our invoices look streamlined. We purchased one from your shop but it wasn't working as the format was constantly doubling up the images.

Feature request: SM8 Phone Call audio recording download

Hi there, we are using the "Phone Call" add-on and want to analyse the audio recordings via a 3rd party software. Is there an API endpoint I can download the audio recordings? I can get a list of recordings via `https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/phonecall.json`, but I can't see a way to get to the actual audio file. Any input on how to get to this audio file or to a roadmap on when this will be available would be very helpful. There've been 2 questions regarding API access for the SM8 Phone Call in the past in this forum, but there was no answer at all. This really leaves 3rd party developer out in the cold, especially because the official support for paying customers is not helpful either and just mentions to ask the question here. So an answer would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your hard work on the API! Best, Martin

Job Completion Document / Invoice Template / API

When certain jobs are completed in Service M8, I want to create a "Job Completion Document" The document needs to contain this information: 1. The date and time the technician started the job 2. The date and time the technician finished the job 3. technician signature 4. technician name 5. customer signature 6. customer name 7. work completed notes 8. work order number 9. address Which items above are not available via the API or via invoice template fields? We are looking at either using a custom invoice template or using the API to populate a document template saved in SharePoint many thanks in advance :)

Annual memberships

How can I set up annual memberships for customers? We want to offer a membership which has exclusive discounts to customers <br>

Is it possible to send info with Zapier to CRM

Hi Im wanting to send the following info once a job is marked completed to my go high level CRM with Zapier and need it to send the following info. 1. client info 2. Invoice totals and descriptiions of the job. 3. Photos taken on the job (this is the big one) any help on whether this would be possible would be greatly appreciated. Regards Chris

Home Office Location - How to change?

I need to change our home office location on the map to our new business address. I cant see how to change it can someone please help. Thank you.

API type mismatch - total_invoice_amount is sometimes string, sometimes float

I am having a real issue getting an API custom connector in PowerApps to work with Servicem8's API. The Custom API Connector in powerapps will only take one field type in the json response for each field. But apparently, somewhere in my jobs list, some jobs have total_invoice_amount as a "string" type, and some are returning a "float" type. This completely breaks the API connection and I can't even start developing my app. Anyone got an idea what's going on? Seems like a serious issue on the sm8 API side. I was able to handle other weirdness like some booleans being an int, some string, some boolean. But I can't handle a type mismatch in the returned data itself