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Quote info to Google Sheets

Hi there, I was wondering what the best way possible way for me would be to get a “live” sync or automation to get Quote info to a google Sheets row every time a quote is generated. What i need is every time a quote is produced a new row is created in google sheets with the customer Name, Date of Quote produced, Job Number, Pdf file ( if possible) and quote amount. Does anyone know if its possible and if so if anyone would be-able to assist in doing this for me.

How can I identify where the add-on is added.

When an Add-on is added to any account, we authorize it by generating the access token and refresh token. { "access_token": "your_access_token_here", "expires_in": 3600, "token_type": "bearer", "scope": "read_customers read_jobs", "refresh_token": "your_refresh_token_here" } We receive this output, but we cannot identify where our Add-on is added as we do not receive any location ID or anything similar.

Error with API

Hi all, I apologize but this post is on behalf of my developer who is helping me with API access. And Im not to sure how to ask the question. In short he is getting the following error: { "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "The grant type was not specified in the request" } <br /> My account url: --- <https://us-west-1.go.servicem8.com/> I created application on developer portal: App ID: - App Secret:-- Help me how to collect my access token + refresh token Please let me know if there is any other info that is required for any assistance.

GA4 and Form fill out.

I have read the whole help section about how to do this. But for some reason its not showing up in my analytics as an event. What I'm a suppouest to do? I really need to track conversions and send them to AdWords so i can do my campaign properly.... <br /> Please someone help

'invoice_sent' status result is incorrect

When I request job status one of the fields I get returned is 'invoice_sent'. I am getting false responses. For one of my jobs, I only "created" an invoice but never sent it, but API data is saying 'invoice_sent=TRUE' . Can anyone help?

API response 400 invalid impersonation

`400 Bad Request` response: {"errorCode":400,"message":"invalid_impersonation","additionalDetails":"Invalid Staff Member Impersonation. Why am I getting this response in the API calls, when I call the <https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/staff.json> API Thanks

API Addons and pricing

We are looking to leverage the API to get customer info, create quotes etc. Which addon do we need as i see there are multiple options and what is the cost for it.

Is there a way to generate an api key in servicem8 without using add on or app?

I am trying an integration with servicem8 that will allow me to transfer data to airtable using basic auth username and password. but when I subscribe to the webhook endpoint. It gives me authorization required error .

Why am i getting an error a validation error occurred

Hi All can someone help me as to why I am getting an error 'a validation error occurred' when ServiceM8 tries to create a bill in Xero?

Pipedrive and ServiceM8 API Intergration

Hi. We are currently doing integration between Pipedrive and ServiceM8. We are trying to make it happen when updates are made in ServiceM8, it will also update back it Pipedrive. Like closed job and update as Won in Pipedrive. Question: Would webhook API also include the Deal ID custom field in webhook payload? Thank you.