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Offering Services Packages Through ServiceM8

Hi serviceM8 community. I'm a current serviceM8 client who loves the software! I'm looking for a solution to offer Service Packages (think pre-purchasing a set amount of hours at a discounted rate that can then be used in the future for any of our services) to customers but ServiceM8 currently doesn't offer that type of functionality. I need a way to promote, offer and sell the product (ideally through my website), and then track customer purchases and use (as they use the hours).

For example: Today a customer purchases a "package" of 5 hours of our service at a discounted rate. Then one later week they call us and need us to come help them with a job that takes 1.5 hours leaving them with 3.5 hours left in their "package". The following week they call us for a job that takes 3 hours leaving them with .5 hours left in their "package".

Is anyone already doing something like this or something similar through ServiceM8 (via a workaround) or using another piece of software that either does or doesn't integrate with ServiceM8?

Really hoping someone can offer any guidance or suggestions.


A frustrated small business owner. :)