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Changes since...: full list of timezone_name values as returned by ServiceM8

Hi, I am looking for a complete list of the possible values of timezone_name. I would also like to find out when the timezone_name field was added to the ServiceM8 API. This is regarding https://developer.servicem8.com/v1.0/reference#get-vendor-single Also, how does ServiceM8 treat the last-edit time stamp when daylight savings happens? Does the ServiceM8 clock stay on standard time, or switch in the middle of the night on a state by state basis for each vendor? Are those timing rules available anywhere in the ServiceM8 API ?

Request for API OAUTH Access

Hello, I would like to request a developer password for the REST API, im currently using the http access. Also my application is getting an error ERROR PARSEING DATA FROM APICONNECTOR2 This could be my end however I am only getting it on the CREATE JOB MATERIALS post when I am doing the request with the data set to JSON, when I have it set to TEXT I have no problem however I cannot get the UUID of the material I have just created Thanks in Advance

Inventory/Material limits

Hi, I was looking into integrating the Material function with our ERP system. is there a limit on the amount of material I can import? Would be: Stock Code - Description Thanks, R, Koen

Handling Webhooks While Offline

Hi there, I've built an app for someone, and it depends on the webhook for the app to work. We're seeing the app act as if it's not receiving webhook data, and we think it's because they are in situations with no internet access. Does the webhook retry after an elapsed time? How do we handle webhooks when the app is offline? Thank you.

Services information via API

Hi, we have several clients (about 10 now) who want to be able to see which service was assigned to a job (from the services add-on), and preferably also the questions and answers from the online form. Even if it's just a text blob like the bit which appears in the diary feed, eg: Johann's booking Service 2:18 PM 5/08/2020 by Developer 1 hour How many people 2 We can parse out what we need. Any help would be appreciated, thanks. Johann Wink Reports

The new API throttling

Hi ServiceM8, It seems that the REST queries have throttling changes? I see that your documentation was updated today. (Separate to the new webhook throttling.) Can you clarify if it's per application? So if two applications are being used with the one account, do they have their own limits? (You've said in the docs that it's application and account specific.) My client has Servicem8 SDK addons that are UI based, querying data along with webhook based synchronisation. Are they combined in the 20,000 requests per day limit, if I wrote them all? Each staff member will be triggering queries, when loading job and client tabs for example - which should be expected. I'm fetching all changed data triggered via a webhook, so my client can do their own database based reports, since your own filter query logic is very limited. These are starting to fail, for when I request the updated data, I'm getting hit with a 429 response code. I'm also checking every 24hrs on all objects that are not matching between your data and the data updated via the webhook; since your outages the other week...which is adding to the requests, but we have to have faith in the data coming from servicem8. I'm not clear on how I can re-request that data 24hrs later, since new requests will have been made in the meantime. Further, as my client adds more and more jobs, the 20,000 limit won't change? They have nationwide plans. If the limit is across all applications for one account user, then are there ways to have the limit raised? Can it be a % based on the number of jobs and clients (modified in the past 12 months perhaps) an account has? Is the limit applied from midnight somewhere or is it a rolling 24hrs?

API help: Create a new Attachment

Hello Support Team, I am using ServiceM8's api for our add-on. I want to upload a attachment to existing job and I am using below api for the same: --request POST \ --url https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment.json but I am not sure in which param I should send attachment data also wanted to know will it accept multipart data or base64 string for data. Can you please help me with these two queries? It would be best if you can provide any sample request in curl?

If i am searching for someone to build automated job bookings from our website, what languages must the dev know to work with your API?

We're about to redesign out site and I want to explore having our booking form auto push a create a job/quote in servicem8. Just wondering when we search for a dev to make this, what skills/languages the dev should have as a prerequisite?

Clock On / Off Data

Is there access to View / Edit / Create Clock In & Out data points for Staff Members?

API vs Zapier integration with PropertyMe

Hi, What would you recommend would be the bet solution to integrate PropertyMe with ServiceM8? Would this be through API or Zappier? Thanks