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Handling Webhook and Handling the Verification Requests

I am trying to create a integromat webhook scenario to watch for any changes to the job card. From what I gather, once setup, integromat will listen for any data that serviceM8 sends. If I was to change the job description in the job card and click save, serviceM8 would send the data in the change fields array, and the webhook would then pick it up and trigger a scenario.

From what I gather, I need to create a webhook for this. I am trying to follow the instructions here:


The first step is to create a web hook subscription, which I can do in integromat using the make API call module.

I then need to setup a callback URL, which I believe I can create a new webhook module in integromat and copy and paste the URL into the webhook subscription.

I think the part I am struggling with, is handling the verification requests. I believe my webhook module will pickup the data from ServiceM8, but I am unsure how to render a response to the request that includes only the challenge value.

The example on how to implement the verification step is: