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Error with Proposals

When a proposal is accepted the scroll bar for each item is locked out, therfor you can not scoll down to see all the items that are accepted. This is a pretty big oversight

Payment Process

Could you please explain what process / action is required to have jobs marked off as "1" "payment_processed"? We have jobs invoiced and paid and they are still showing as "payment_processed" "0", the example below was completed in 18/11/2021. ![](https://files.readme.io/fa91043-image.png)


We use ServiceM8 for all invoicing. I need to be able to have multiple sales codes that engage with a single inventory code which Xero inventory isnt able to do. Is there a way to get this done? My logic would be that the sales item would feed to Xero from a revenue perspective and to an inventory module that would adjust inventory and post to cost of sales in Xero. Thanks Peter

Zapier Error- Dev_file

I have setup zapier to send emails to specific staff members when a certain action is triggered on service m8. But one error I keep receiving is "While requesting "dev_file" from ServiceM8 we ran into an error: The app returned "None"." The staff on site service the clients equipment. If the equipment is found to be non-operational they will note it on their form. Zapier picks this up and sends an email to the manager an attached the said form. What is strange it sometimes it will trigger and send without any issues, then all of a sudden I will receive a few of these errors. To the point where Zapier switches that Zap off. I have done a similar zap on various other forms and also receive this error sporadic. So its not the specific form itself that is causing the error. Zapier support tell me the error is being generated from service m8 server and not from them. If anybody could maybe assist or point me in the right direction?

Get different photo sizes through API

In the ServiceM8 forms, we can use three sizes of images: small, medium, and large. Does anyone know how to download a jpg through the API in those sizes? I have an app downloading the full image size using the uuid.file endpoint, and it would make it much snappier if I could use the smaller sizes as thumbnails.

File Type .smr3d

This is a simple questions: I am using the Rest API to pull down attachments. Attachments from the room scan come through as .smr3d The question is what IS .smr3d? Is it unique to serviceM8, or is there an application that can read it? Ken Moorhead

ServiceM8 emails

My client is using the Rest API to connect ServiceM8 to their local software platform. While I have the basics working, I am stumped on emails. The emails that are sent out of ServiceM8 are stored in the diary and are tagged as emails. They are using the inbox to do this. What they want me to do is retrieve the emails as shown in the diary, and if possible write emails from their system into to the diary. This would bypass any SMTP/IMAP/POP functionality. By the time I am doing this, it has already been sent, or received. I just need to get text into, or out of, the diary, and have it marked as email in the diary. So, what am I missing? I fear it might be really simple! How do I read an email from, or post an email to, the diary? TIA Ken Moorhead

ServiceM8 emails

My client is using the Rest API to connect ServiceM8 to their local software platform. While I have the basics working, I am stumped on emails. The emails that are sent out of ServiceM8 are stored in the diary and are tagged as emails. They are using the inbox to do this. What they want me to do is retrieve the emails as shown in the diary, and if possible write emails from their system into to the diary. This would bypass any SMTP/IMAP/POP functionality. By the time I am doing this, it has already been sent, or received. I just need to get text into, or out of, the diary, and have it marked as email in the diary. So, what am I missing? I fear it might be really simple! How do I read an email from, or post an email to, the diary? TIA Ken Moorhead

Start time and Duration for a job booking.

I can't see any option for a "start time" or "duration" anywhere on the lists. I'm looking to export new jobs with their booked time (start time) and their duration. But the only field I can see available is the "job is scheduled until stamp". Which doesn't indicate the bookings duration or start time. If you know a way then please let me know :-)

Assistance with looks of Customer Feedback Widget for web

Hi, I'm almost done with the redesign of our company website, and the boss really wants to have the widget on the home page, but when you embed the code provided withing servicem8, it looks really bad. I get a long box of 4 and 5's which is great, but can't manage to adjust the height to fit a screen or a section VH... Can anyone recommend suitable solutions to make it look a bit more appealing to the rest of the design? Thanks in advance