Contact details not being saved from jobs being created using the API
We create jobs using the API. It populates the JOB CONTACT details, but these are not being saved against the CLIENT record.
Invoicing loading slowly or not at all
for the last week slow or no loading of Sm8 invoices has been frustrating...what's happening
Service m8 not loading on desktop app or andriod browser
Your useless app wont load the Dispatch Board.
Problem with invoicing
Multiple quotes using api
I want to generate multiple quotes for same job id using API so that I can send to my customer.
The way clients' names are listed
I can't seem to work out why each time I raise a job, it seems to be a lucky dip as to how it shows up. Sometimes it will be JOHN SMITH, and other times it will be SMITH, JOHN. I am sure I'm taking their details the exact same way each and every time, and yet it just continues to manifest whichever way it chooses. Okay for names like JOHN SMITH, but when they're names that aren't so obvious, my staff on site get confused and call customers by their surname accidentally. Please advise what I might be doing to cause this.
API response 400 invalid impersonation
400 Bad Request
{"errorCode":400,"message":"invalid_impersonation","additionalDetails":"Invalid Staff Member Impersonation.
API key for a client
Hello, I asked the service desk the process for creating an API key for a client. I explained that I know HOW to do it but, not be a partner (yet) I would not have the correct access and therefore wanted to know the process to follow for creating a key. 3 emails later and all they sent me as a link to post a discussion thread....
Pipedrve and Servicem8 integration - Custom field in webhook payload
Hi. We are currently doing integration between Pipedrive and ServiceM8. We are trying to make it happen when updates are made in ServiceM8, it will also update back it Pipedrive. Like closed job and update status field as Won in Pipedrive.