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Contacts already linked to Xero

We are integrating a inventory control system to ServiceM8. Both systems are linked to Xero. This is about Contact in Xero/Clients in ServiceM8. How can we manage clients between the three systems without duplicating everything in Xero? We would like to create contacts flexibly in one system or another but without having access to the Xero ContactID guid over the API I can not see how we can avoid duplicates.

Implementing Webhooks in Ruby application

Good day/evening to all. Is there any proper guides in what to do after getting the authorization token with the Webhooks implementation? I'm currently working on adding real-time job status updates to my app, but it seems like nothing different happens when I authorized my servicem8 add-on to my application. All it does is redirect me back to the URL I passed the Authorization request I made after allowing the application. It does return the temporary API Key tho, which is good, but I need to find a clear guide that allows me to actually let my application subscribe to said webhook. There aren't much any clear details as to what you should do about this and the only "good" lead I have was a taken down/non existent article in the guides section. As if the moment, I'm only using get all jobs API in order to update my application's database manually, which I find as a bad practice because its adding unnecessary processing time to my application and is bad for performance when deployed to a server, I just want to get the changes to reflect in real time that are made in servicem8 to reflect to my application.

Status Code Error: 500' CONSTATLY OCCURING

Hi there, I have a bunch of automations setup using the API. They have been working brilliantly for the last 2 years or so, however recently I have been receiving Status Code Error: 500 returns and they are switching off my automations. The interesting thing is that there seems to be no rhyme nor reason to these errors occurring. I just go back in and switch them back on and they'll run for a day or so, then error again. "Scenario has encountered an error while being initialized. Fix the error or clear the queue. The reason is: Cannot initialize the scenario because of the reason 'Failed to verify connection '1. SM8 Get info from SM8 into PD'. Status Code Error: 500" Could you please take a look and see if you can see what may be causing this? Seems like it is within ServiceM8 not returning a valid response token. Many thanks

Custom report required from ServiceM8

Hello, I am looking to get an automated custom report from our service M8 data. Is there a developer able to assist me to get this setup?

Recursive calling problem in service m8 to other account when webhook subscribed

We have 2 application service m8 and vend. wehbhook are subscribe for both application Q: - How to stop hook to notify us for particular ,after successful api call for servicem8?

Access to Online Booking answers?

Is there a way to access the answers given by customers when they do an online booking?

SMS doesn't support accented characters

Hi There, I'm building a multi language function for sending SMS messages via ServiceM8, but it seems that accented characters are stripped out of messages (eg. é ç å). SMS has no problem supporting these characters, and they are in ASCII as well as UTF8 as far as I am aware. Is there a reason that accented characters are stripped? Thanks

field_data_json showing as "Array" in formfield

I have zero issues creating and updating all other fields EXCEPT "field_data_json" in the formfield API - when sending the JSON below, only "Array" shows in the field. The API says "string" for the format. { "active" : 1, "field_data_json" : { "additionalDetails" : "Take Photo of front of the house", "conditionMethod" : "AND", "conditions" : [ { "operator" : "", "question" : "", "value" : "" }, { "operator" : "", "question" : "", "value" : "" }, { "operator" : "", "question" : "", "value" : "" } ], "fieldType" : "Photo", "mandatory" : false }, "form_uuid" : "b06bc5d5-7d58-4e87-9645-0b64a1b62f2b", "name" : "Arrival Photo 1", "sort_order" : "1" }

add webhook url

when i'm adding webhook url ...gave me error .

Getting Multiple Attachments For Same Edited Attachment.

Problem1 : We are having some trouble with the Servicem8 API endpoint result we received in Attachment. We are getting multiple entries for the attachment for the Job UUID : d6023442-9e7e-4438-aae6-1ee1d115e4bb Job #23422 This attachment has been updated 2-3 times but ultimately we should receive only one attachment in result json at the moment. But currently its giving each edited Attachments. Can you please look into this? END POINT : https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment.json?%24filter=related_object_uuid%20eq%20%27d6023442-9e7e-4438-aae6-1ee1d115e4bb Problem2 : Some time we are getting this error ( [errorCode] => 429 [message] => Number of allowed API requests per minute exceeded ) Query : Can you please tell us how many API request we can have per minute? And if we want to increase it then how can we do that? Please answer on this as well.