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Implementing Webhooks in Ruby application

Good day/evening to all.

Is there any proper guides in what to do after getting the authorization token with the Webhooks implementation?

I'm currently working on adding real-time job status updates to my app, but it seems like nothing different happens when I authorized my servicem8 add-on to my application.

All it does is redirect me back to the URL I passed the Authorization request I made after allowing the application. It does return the temporary API Key tho, which is good, but I need to find a clear guide that allows me to actually let my application subscribe to said webhook. There aren't much any clear details as to what you should do about this and the only "good" lead I have was a taken down/non existent article in the guides section.

As if the moment, I'm only using get all jobs API in order to update my application's database manually, which I find as a bad practice because its adding unnecessary processing time to my application and is bad for performance when deployed to a server, I just want to get the changes to reflect in real time that are made in servicem8 to reflect to my application.