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Bulk import of thousands of jobs

Hi team, We're a consultancy with 1000's of recurring jobs (mainly quarterly and annual), we're aware you can't bulk upload jobs at the moment but that will cause is considerable pain manually adding each recurring job. Support asked if I could pose the question here if it's possible, given the correct format, that we could provide a csv of all the jobs which could then be injected one time into the system?

Posting to Attachment API is not working

I am getting 404 errors when trying to GET an attachment. First I POST to https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment.json which gives me a 200 and x-record-uuid value. I then use this x-record-uuid value and perform a GET to https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment/<i>x-record-uuid</i>.json. I now get a 404 which makes it impossible to send the actual attachment. This was previously working, but has stopped over the last few days. Any ideas?

Add data to Custom Field in Job

Hi, I have been reading through the API documentation and I can see I can create / update the custom fields if the client has this enabled (which they do) But how do I add data to a custom field that is linked to their job module via the ServiceM8 API. I am creating a new job and adding materials etc but I am also wanting to insert some data to a custom field but cannot figure out what node I need to have in the object. Your advice is greatly appreciated

Can't activate self-hosted addon

Hi there, I'm trying to pull some data into a tab in ServiceM8 from one of our custom applications. The application doesn't need any OAuth access as everything required by the application is sent in the standard event data (job and staff uuid). As per the docs https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/web-service-hosted-add-ons there I have left the Addon Activation URL blank and just put in the Callback URL - however when I go to the private install url provided and click connect it just loads the same page and does nothing. The actions are not showing in the job card. I also tried adding some basic oauth scopes to the manifest in case that was a required component (read_staff read_jobs) Any help greatly appreciated

Help with No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

Hi, I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. When fetching an image via the API "https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment/image_uuid.file" I am getting this response. Access to fetch at 'service-m8-image-url' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled. When clicking the "service-m8-image-url" in the error it takes me to the image but I would like to download the image. I have a python script that has the same functionality and is working but I can't get it to work in javascript. I have tried to set "mode: no-cors" but a login window pops up instead of using the creds sent in the header. I am only facing this issue when requesting an image using the .file extension. All other endpoints work as expected. Thank you for any help in advance. Ashley

Job Activites from check boxes

https://support.servicem8.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005723206-How-to-create-a-Checklist-for-a-job Per this page, we are creating checklists in jobs via the API. This works without issue. Where this page however says that Job Activity entries are created for these once they are checked off, how does one access these via the API? Whilst there is a jobactivity endpoint, this does not provide any of the checked items in the results when querying against a job UUID. The jobactivity endpoint returns results for other items, such as the scheduled booking, however none of the checked items from the job appear here at all. Whilst we are aware that the text of the checklist entry is moved into the 'work_done_description' field, we cannot reliably use the contents of this field due to it being otherwise editable in the client app (and as such, it is entirely possible for this information to be removed by a user). In cases where this has been cleared from the 'work_done_description' field, the checkboxes remain checked, and as such we know that this field is not what is used by the servicem8 client Is there an accurate/reliable means for accessing the state of the checkboxes on a job? (This has also been emailed to 'developers@servicem8.com' without response)

Opening a Custom Url Scheme (another app)

Hey Guys, as my app is coming near complete I am struggling with a reasonable way to open it. The best way for me to open it is via a custom url scheme such as myapp:// we have been able to accomplish this via the nodejs method, calling the url from within the script, however due to the way ServiceM8 handles the situation it opens a safari window first then my app. This looks messy, is bad UX and isn't really seamless. Can you advise a better way of going about this or possibly add one. The app is meant for mobile and we have others underway also for mobile however this is a major sticking point at the moment. Coding it into servicem8, hosting it on AWS or rendering it in a html element is not possible.

Can you retrieve Tasks by Job UUID rather than task UUID?

I want to retrieve a list of tasks per job to display on a client portal, but it would be much simpler if I could get the tasks by the job id.

Exact event labels for both GA and FB

I'm installing GA and FB tracking on the ServiceM8 platform for a customer. I understand how the integration works, what I dont understand is the exact values of the vents that get parsed through to GA and FB. Can someone please shed some light on the exact event values (Action, Label, Value) for GA and the custom event value for Facebook (So I can configure the FB pixel to mark that specific event as a conversion). Appreciate the help.

Integration in WIX

I'm looking at building my website with WIX, but would love to have my ServiceM8 booking system as part of it. I wanted to find out if this is possible? Thanks.