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How to become a ServiceM8 Certified Developer

Hi I wanted to enquire how a developer would become recognised as a ServiceM8 Certified Developer. What is involved?

Job UUID Mergefield code in Forms/Invoice

Anybody been able to get the UUID for a job in a form template or document template?

How to schedule jobs by api / can I schedule jobs by API

can I schedule jobs by API

Invalid Addon Manifest. Cannot combine type 'app' with event field for menuItem

Hi guys, As above, documentation states; menuItems[type] Mandatory Type is the type of menu item you wish to create. If you wish to support multiple menu items, add several menuItem records to your manifest. Valid values are: addon: Your menu item will appear in the online Addons menu app: Your menu item will appear in the app more tab menu However when type is changed from addon to app an error occurs as per subject line. Manifest for reference; { "name": "Test Addon", "version": "1.0", "iconURL": "https:\/\/www.servicem8.com\/images\/addon-sdk-sample-icon.png", "supportURL": "https:\/\/support.exampleaddon.com", "supportEmail": "support@exampleaddon.com", "menuItems": [{ "name": "Test Menu", "type": "app", "iconURL": "https:\/\/www.servicem8.com\/images\/addon-sdk-sample-icon.png", "event": "app_menu_test" }] } Please confirm whether this is a known issue/incorrect syntax etc. Many thanks!

Can the SM8 API interact with Recurring Jobs?

Looking to create and track recurring jobs via SM8 API, can't see how this is possible though? My conclusion at this point is recurring jobs can't be touched by API? Can anyone confirm if Recurring Jobs are accessible/inaccessible?

Create Job and Link with Clinet

I have query regarding create job and link with the client. let me explain basically I just want - Fetching my customers - Adding jobs for them Question :My question is how we can link the created job with the selected client ? Fetch list of clients with the given api : https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#get-client-all Create job with the given api : https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#post-job-create Please provide your's comment

Creating a Lambda trigger

What do I need to do to create a Lambda trigger attached to an action? The instance I am thinking of is for example when writing a text note on a job. When I write the note, I would like to trigger an AWS Lambda when the note is completed. Is this possible?

Documents produced via API displaying incorrect currency

Hi There, When producing quote documents via the API (https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#document-templates) it seems they do not use the account's currency settings - UK accounts have $ on the Quotes. When producing via the web interface the £ symbol is used correctly. This is the case whether or not I provide the templateUUID. Can this be sorted?

Notification of update to answer of Services Add-On question

Is there a way to trigger an automated action if an answer to a question within the Services Add-On is updated?

Using Basic Auth to retrieve jobs via API results in Cloudflare 503

Our Job retrieval for 50+ ServiceM8 Accounts stopped yesterday after being intermittent. Our system cannot connect to the API service. We're nowhere near the 20,000 limit per account. I tried connecting via Postman and I'm getting this 503 Error: The Lambda function associated with the CloudFront distribution is invalid or doesn't have the required permissions. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation. Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront) Request ID: 5XQptif0oOceFC9KRimW89tiVrqgOAFEikqVj4DUzldXxLx3DqZB2g==