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Allocation Windows

Hi, We are consuming the Job Allocation API at the moment however we want to be able to find the list of Allocation Windows so we can correctly assign the right allocation window to the job allocation. Is there a Allocation Window API?

client.invoke isn't working with addon Menu Types.

Using the same code, I can have a Manifest that defines the same event for both an Addon Menu item and Job (online) action. When calling client.invoke in client side JS, triggered from the Job Window, my Lambda function is called again with the relevant event information. Doing the same from the Addon does nothing. No JS errors. AWS shows no new call to the lambda function. It's all the one piece of code, just the event is triggered initially from either the Job entity window or the Addon window. Is the client.invoke not meant to work for Addon Menu Items?

Attachment is not visible with job history. How can i see attached file ?

Identify Scheduled Job deletion

I have setup a webhook to trigger on job scheduling activity. I can identify from the webhook payload when a job is scheduled i.e changed fields includes 'activity_was_scheduled'. How do I identify when a scheduled job has been deleted?

xero integration

Hi We want to continue to use quotient but as quotes are confirmed in quotient we want the details and pictures to move through to servicem8 so the technician can see exactly what work is required.

Addon window positioning/sizing

Hi, I was just wondering if there's any way to handle positioning of the addon window when resizing it? As it stands when I use the JS SDK and call the resizing method: client.resizeWindow(1000, 850); The addon window just jumps to that size and doesn't reposition. That means that depending on the screen size some of the addon window may be cut off or its just oddly uncentered. Is there any way I can call a method to re-centre the window or can that be done automatically after a resize is called? Further to that is there any method available that would tell me the maximum dimensions an addon window would be able to be to fit on the page? Thanks

Leave API integration

Is there a way to add leave through an API call? We have a need to allow for many leave inputs. Also Is it possible to assign leave

How do you set head office?

ServiceM8 has set my home as my head office, how do I change that? I’m new to this app, is it designed to be used from a computer. I’m using it it with my phone at the moment. thanks

Force Region OAuth2?

Is it possible to "force" a request to go to a specific region? Many of our update scripts are extremely slow when updating data for our Australian clients. I believe this is because our servers are located in London and the AU OAuth2 tokens are routing our requests to your AU server region. I assume it would speed everything up to the same level as our UK customers if we could tell all of our requests to route to the EU region? Hope its possible! Cheers

Webhook Subscriptions failing

As with other users, I have been told to post this here I have webhook subscriptions set up which store the response in a database. The setup was working up until last week (Friday 19/3/21). I am unsure if Servicem8 is sending webhook data anymore as it is not populated in my database. I have used postman to confirm that the verification challenge is still working and to send test webhook data (the example data found on the Webhooks API guide). Both of which work as expected. Has something changed or a limitation been set on webhook data?