Webhook Notification
I have a problem with webhook notifications.
Successfully configuring the webhook, gives the response of success.
After I change the records in serviceM8 it won't reflect the response to my configure URL in the webhook.
CRM integration
Is it possible to allow bookings entered into another system to appear in our Servicem8 schedule and also our bookings appear in theirs. The system that we are trying to sync with is SAP C4C.
Create Job and Update Job Module
Is Create Job and Update Job is the same? If the UUID parameter from the Create Job does have a value? I tried running it in the API Reference, it did succeed but when I was doing an API call on my code the values didnt change in ServiceM8.
AddOn: Who is Current User?
I don't see anywhere who the user is connecting to my add-on. After the OAuth, I need to know the user making the request so that we can log this and provide functionality based on user's role.
Integromat Create Job Customer name
In Integromat under 'create job' its states in the 'Customer Name' entry "The name of the Customer to whom this job is assigned. Leave this blank to automatically create a new customer from the job contact details."
Using Basic Auth to retrieve jobs via API results in Cloudflare 503
Our Job retrieval for 50+ ServiceM8 Accounts stopped yesterday after being intermittent. Our system cannot connect to the API service. We're nowhere near the 20,000 limit per account.
Quoting Calculator
One of my clients who uses Service M8 is looking to quote for bathrooms whilst with a customer. He is initially going to start with a limited range of bathroom options and this will grow over time. He has considered the possibility of creating an e-commerce website which could integrate with Service M8 or whether Service M8 has the functionality now or needs further development. Your help would be appreciated, please. My telephone number is 07709 247 560 and I feel it would be easier to explain the requirements via telephone rather than email. I thank you for your kind assistance with this.
GA integration issues
Hi team,
Editing the online booking forms?
I am trying to install the online booking form on my website but was wondering if i can edit the form to suit my requirements?
Link with our CRM is not working
PLease can you sort out this issue ASAP as the link between our CRM - ACTIVE and Service M8 is not working for nearly 2 weeks now - we have been in touch with Activve and they said its from this side - none of the deals are transfering over and need to be created manually with no job history and is really impacing our working day!