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Delivery Order

Hi, is it possible to add-on the delivery order feature?

Is it possible to create private addon?

Hi All, Can someone please advice on the below : 1. Can we create an addon which is just available for private usage (I don't want to open up the addon for public usage as its a very specific use case). Is this possible? 2. There are few addon's like Staff leave which captures the leave data for the each staff member. Is it possible to fetch this leave data via API? thanks

completion_date being marked as NULL when Job Status is Completed

Hi there, We are coming across some API pulls that have job status marked as completed but the completion_date is NULL when we grab to SQL. Not sure if you can look into our account but an example is Job 2014. Can you let me know why this may be pulling down as NULL when the status is completed? Thanks, Patrick

Removing a booking via API

I'm looking at the API, and I'm trying to find out how I can remove a booking. I'm presuming I should be using Job Activities, but I'm not sure where? Thanks

Share Contact First, last name and company name with create job

please help me to send user details with create job api like Contact First, last name and company name

Service Form Submission

Hi There, I am attempting to get a service form once submitted online to refer the details to another html where we can run analytics on the submission. ANy help is appreciated

Relationship between Upcoming jobs and staff assigned to it

I have a few question associated with one another, so I am putting it out here... 1. /job.json gives all old passed jobs, what should I do to get upcoming jobs too? 2. In the same api above, I would like to fetch the jobs assigned to me i.e. the logged in user. How do I achieve that?

Adding ServiceM8 calendar and job run to anther program

I currently already have a Native iOS App that does all our paperwork. It currently auto filled client details from Ical. I however would like to build into the app serviceM8 calendar and job run for users. How would i go about this. ???

Is is possible to create trigger for when job category is changed?

I want to create a trigger which fires every time job category is changed. "Job" Category implies it's a Job object but I don't know which fields should add for webhook subscription. Like in the case of job scheduled we use field activity_was_scheduled. Please guide.

Uploading Files to Diary

When I upload a file to the diary, I get this icon and cannot read the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e3a2tftn49ti6dq/Screenshot%202020-07-09%2010.51.41.png?dl=0 However, the API returns a 200. Any ideas?