How to schedule jobs by api / can I schedule jobs by API
can I schedule jobs by API
Generate an Asset Register per Asset Type
I would like to be able to generate an asset register for all our assets, regardless of what client they are assigned too. Currently this doesn't seem to be possible. Any suggestions?
"Open API" specification files
Hi all,
I'm trying to find out if there are "OPEN API" specification files for ServiceM8's APIs
Company end point race condition
It looks like if multiple create requests are made to the company create endpoint at the same time with the same name property set both can(incorrectly) succeed.
Getting wrong scheduled datetime in Job data
We are using API url to fetch Jobs data.
Problem with uploading a new Attachment to job via API
Hi, here is my code to upload attachment to my job. But this doesn't do anything. What is from in my request?
Bug: Job Materials being removed if two staff / or API and staff access the same Job.
We have found a bug in relation to job materials being marked as removed for jobs where more than one user/api is accessing, or has accessed the job.
Creating a new Attachment - API Error
When i trying to create Attachment:
Sending Booking Link via API
ServiceM8 to Xero
When I try and send invoice from ServiceM8 to Xero it says