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Question on Service M8 Booking form API

Hi Team,

We have built this solution https://booking.safebuy.com.au/ using Simplybook.me API. One of the Service M8 customers approached us and asked whether we could make a custom booking application like https://booking.safebuy.com.au/ using Service M8 API. That customer currently uses Service M8 general booking form https://book.servicem8.com/request_service_online_booking?strVendorUUID=0dd06ae7-1e5c-4d0a-8ba7-20a732d0f59b&utm_source=Website for their end customer to book and pay for the inspection.

After the customer enquiry, we signed up for the Service M8 developer program, watched a few intro videos, and reviewed the API documents. From what we have assessed, we may not build the custom booking application using Service M8 API, as the API doesn't support public-facing guest checkout. We could be wrong too.

Is there any way we can build a custom application like https://booking.safebuy.com.au/ using Service M8 API?
