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Access to the underlying data source

Hi technical support.

Company end point race condition

It looks like if multiple create requests are made to the company create endpoint at the same time with the same name property set both can(incorrectly) succeed.


Can we open a job window from the Client JS SDK?

Hey Guys,

API / System integration


ServiceM8 Phone Call History using API

I want to get ServiceM8 Phone call history using API. Can you please send me the link to that endpoints? Also, does phone calls API provides webhooks?


SM8 Webhook performance

Is anyone having problems with the very slow delivery of webhooks from Sm8? Periodically SM8 stop sending webhooks for a while, sometimes 6 minutes, sometimes an hour, and then they send a tital of webhooks built up over that time?

Create New Activty Endpoint

Is there a list available for what the field activity_was_scheduled can be set to. I'm wondering if it is possible to use this endpoint to create schedule a message to be sent to the customer.

Asset Issues

Is it possible to query reported asset issues with an API endpoint?


Can we push enquiries into Service M8 in with a webhook?

Is it possible to use a webhook to push an enquiry into ServiceM8? Using the email address option is not possible

Custom Fields need DEFAULT value

In general, database fields frequently need default values.
In particular for Custom Fields in ServiceM8 on a Company object, since the custom fields do not even appear for data entry when a new client is added (as tested today 8 Aug 2018), custom fields especially need a default value. There is currently no way to specify that through the API.