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What is the REST API name to access Leave records for staff? Thanks,

Why is there a material_uuid field in job_activities?

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Can you customise or create a new badge

Converstion Tracking with GA4 and Google Ads - Confirmation Page

Hi team, We were looking for a way to track conversions through the confirmation page for our different services. All services are in one form. How can we track the confirmation page on GA4? Thanks!

Question on Service M8 Booking form API

Hi Team, We have built this solution <https://booking.safebuy.com.au/> using Simplybook.me API. One of the Service M8 customers approached us and asked whether we could make a custom booking application like <https://booking.safebuy.com.au/> using Service M8 API. That customer currently uses Service M8 general booking form <https://book.servicem8.com/request_service_online_booking?strVendorUUID=0dd06ae7-1e5c-4d0a-8ba7-20a732d0f59b&utm_source=Website> for their end customer to book and pay for the inspection. After the customer enquiry, we signed up for the Service M8 developer program, watched a few intro videos, and reviewed the API documents. From what we have assessed, we may not build the custom booking application using Service M8 API, as the API doesn't support public-facing guest checkout. We could be wrong too. Is there any way we can build a custom application like <https://booking.safebuy.com.au/> using Service M8 API? Regards, Fayaz

Access to custom staff sprite?

Hi, When trying to access the custom staff sprite for icons - I guessed and used the same base URL as the vendor logo but I always get the same picture no matter what parameters are there. Am I looking in the wrong place? eg URLs (with UUID's removed) https://no-cookies-cdn.servicem8.com/CustomStaffSprite?id={{ staff_uuid }}&_dc=208 https://no-cookies-cdn.servicem8.com/CustomStaffSprite?id={{ staff_uuid }}&_dc=120 https://no-cookies-cdn.servicem8.com/CustomStaffSprite?id={{ staff_uuid }}&_dc=4 https://no-cookies-cdn.servicem8.com/CustomStaffSprite?id={{ staff_uuid }}&_dc=88 All values were retrieved via the staff.json endpoint. A further issue is that the image is 32x32 but is returned centered in a 64x64 square. Appreciate any help :) Thanks Joe

Linking Jobs to Services

I'm trying to find a way of linking the Service information that I collect for a job with the job that is allocated. Typically this is done when online booking etc When I look up a job, the Service information isn't listed. Is there a way that I can retrieve the Service information for a job? Thanks

Create New Activty Endpoint

Is there a list available for what the field activity_was_scheduled can be set to. I'm wondering if it is possible to use this endpoint to create schedule a message to be sent to the customer. Thanks, Sinead

JobAllocations Webhook

Is it correct that there is no webhooks for allocations??

How to get Invoice as a pdf using API

I have used attachment API to get details of invoice agaiinst Job but I just receive file name with extension (invoice1.pdf) but not the path of invoice. How can I get actual Invoice against jopb? Thank you.