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Billing details on client record

Hi all,

Is it possible with ServiceM8 using API calls to interface with a CMMS system?

Is it possible with ServiceM8 using API calls to interface with a CMMS system? We currently utilize our CMMS to maintain customers, assets, generate work orders and history and contracts.

Is there a way to display Property Owner client name details on the report form for a job instead of the billing contact?

Sometimes we work with companies who have clients that will need their information instead of the billing contact. So this information is entered correctly into the forms without messing the billing contact information. Is there a way to have a custom field for the property owner?

Blocking out calender times


How to change AddOn status to Ready (AWS Lambda integration)

Hi all,

Form data export

If we can gather data from using a created form in order to produce a report for a client, how can we export the data or save as a readable format?

Oauth V2 Private Zapier Integration

I am trying to connect zapier to servicem8 and provide a deeper integration that what zapier currently provides.

Producing the job list CSV via api


Accessing the my shift feature via the API


Asset Issues

Is it possible to query reported asset issues with an API endpoint?