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GA integration issues

Hi team, We were able to successfully install the integration for a client. We can see bookings being recorded in Google Analytics. However, all the bookings are being attributed to the client website, seems like the tracking is missing the original source that drove the user to the client's website (i.e. Facebook, Google ads, etc.). Have you run into this issue before? Cheers

API for Oxygen Accounting

Hi team, I have a potential SM8 client who is using Oxygen Book Keeping for their accounting, their accountant has advised that in order for this to work they will need an API plugin. Is this possible? If so what is the process and costs involved? Thank you in advance.

How do we create a booking portal in our website domain?

Hi there, we have been using ServiceM8 for a few years now, it has proved a real asset. As we move forward and set ourselves up for growth there are a few things we are starting to bump our heads on, the first being the restrictions of the online booking service. PROBLEM We are trying to run our business based on data. We have been using the online booking service quite extensively, however, the links into Google Analytics are very basic (event types), i.e. we can't track our visitors into the portal and differentiate between organic search, social or PPC customers, which is an issue for us e.g. If we can't track the conversions from PPC, then we can't work out the cost of acquisition in advertising this way and know whether this form of advertising is working for us and whether we can up the budget. We are aware you can track source by manipulating the booking url, however it only reports within ServiceM8 in a very basic format i.e. period - lifetime, 12 months, 90 days, 30 days, last month, displaying as total only and with no export function or, retrospective reporting on a monthly basis. So in its present state, not fit for our needs. We 'think' the fundamental problem is the booking service sits in the ServiceM8 domain and not ours, therefore we are unable to add tracking codes so that it can feed data back to Google Analytics. SOLUTIONS? 1) Is there a better way for us to be able to track our users through Google Analytics, so we can see entire user journeys for organic, social, PPC traffic? 2) Can we build an online booking form on our website and somehow link it into our ServiceM8 account so it functions correctly i.e. offers customers estimate price, booking windows, considers online discounts and travel distance? 3) Assuming the above is possible, could anyone provide some details on how this is done e.g. What API, how we go about it, do we need to find a developer or is this something we can easily do ourselves? And if we do need a developer, any recommendations. FYI, we would be looking to largely replicate the 'fairly' developed ServiceM8 booking portal we have in place presently - you can view it by following the URL below: https://book.servicem8.com/request_service_online_booking?strVendorUUID=28637b08-5851-4e3c-b11e-fb40a27f911b#1caae272-1d41-4bd2-ad78-1bfd13831edb 4) Assuming the above is not possible, could we make our ServiceM8 online booking service display on our website using a frame, so that we are able to put tracking codes on that page? Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Webhook Not sending notification

I am not receiving the notification at all. I have created the following subscriptions. [ { "object": "job", "callback_url": "https://pickmyorder.co.uk/Test/GetWebBook.php", "fields": [ "uuid", "status" ], "unique_id": "", "active": true }, { "object": "company", "callback_url": "https://pickmyorder.co.uk/Test/GetWebBook.php", "fields": [ "name" ], "unique_id": "", "active": true } ] If a job status is changed, I am getting nothing.

webhook not hitting callback url

Even after subscribing to webhook. [ { "object": "job", "callback_url": "https://pickmyorder.co.uk/Test/GetWebBook.php", "fields": [ "uuid", "status" ], "unique_id": "", "active": true } ] I am not getting any response when a job is changed or status is changed for eg I changed status from "Quote" to "work order"

SM8 Next Booking Date to Zapier

I'm trying to setup a zapier from servicem8 to google sheets. I need to be able to pull the {job.next_booking_date} or {job.next_booking_date_extended} from SM8 to Google Sheets but I can't either of theses field codes available in the set up action section. Is there any way to do this?

Updating addresses on clients and creating new clients with addresses

Hi, We are creating new clients in Servicem8 and updating them as well. According to the API documentation there is the following fields in clients that can be updated or added. address_street address_city address_state address_postcode address_country address billing_address When posting to servicem8 the only 2 fields that appear to work are the "address" and "billing_address" fields. On the client billing details card in Servicem8 there is a breakdown of the individual street information. However, the "billing_address" only updates the address field and the other fields are not updated. What are these fields for? address_street address_city address_state address_postcode address_country And how do we update the individual address details on the client billing card?

Inspection reports

Hi There We currently use browser based software to prepare our electrical, solar and air conditioning reports for our clients. The report includes client information, details of faults/findings, scope for repair and quote for repair costs. We also include site photographs. We generate a PDF version and send to our clients. Is there a Sm8 partner that has this software and integrates with Sm8 so client information and photographs can be autofilled from the ServiceM8 job? Kind regards, Sallyanne


I am experiencing problems with the schedule, it appears to be not showing some scheduled items, I have a script from a chat with the support team (i can send if needed), and it was suggested that the amount of "active jobs" may be making it hard for the system to load. I have cleaned up as much as possible but as we have 8 franchises there are a lot of new jobs being created to those that are being completed/unsuccessful. It has eased slightly but appears to still be happening. My concern is can SM8 support our capacity? or is there something else happening?

Franchise Module Deactivation

I am trying to navigate the changes that will need to be made with the franchise module deactivation. we are a large company and have to disconnect 8 franchises. I have noticed when changing our logins from "main franchise" to "individual" that staff have lost the ability to view staff specific notifications (every staff now sees every notification). I have also found that we have lost the ability to view multiple screens in one browser. (e.g having multiple franchise areas open at once). with the disconnect will there be a way to bring these functions back.