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DOCX total labour quantity only required

I need to display DOCX "total labour quantity only" there is no code for this in DOCX mergefield codes. I was asked by your other servicem8 team to contact microsoft support which i have they have asked where the data is pulled from & if I need to make my own coding up for this specific "total labour quantity" This is urgent as one of my big contracts requires this info on their invoices to raise PO's

Integration with Gravity form

Hi, Can we integrate this with Wordpress Gravity form plugin? Please advise. Best Regards, Naveen

Issue uploading File via API

Hi, we are pushing files to ServiceM8 jobs via the API. We have been doing it in the past without issue, but in the past few days, we've had a bunch of 400 responses from the ServiceM8 API saying that every file upload needs a timestamp. Was this change at any point recently? We haven't changed our system in the last 3 months and the images have been uploading fine until now. I can't find any notifications of changes happening to the API. Thanks.

Issue uploading attachment via API

I'm writing setting up a simple add on which will take PDFs from Google Drive and attach them to a ServiceM8 Job, for simplicity I'm doing writing all the code via Google Apps Scripts. It was a lot of trial and error to get to the point I got, however I have now come to a point which I see a few others have gotten to (by looking through the discussion threads here) but none of them seem to show me a final response. I was able to get to get an Ok message, and after a lot of trialling I have been able to get the PDF document to actually show up on the Job Diary, however upon opening the file it is empty. I had no luck at all with images, they would not even show up on the Job Diary. Here is my code: function createAttachmentRecord() { const options = { 'method': 'POST', 'headers': { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/pdf', Authorization: 'Basic email/password' }, 'payload': JSON.stringify({ active: 1, attachment_name: 'test.pdf', file_type: '.pdf', related_object: 'job', related_object_uuid: '3e31d242-2f15-4dd5-8a87-1d837d817c5b' }) }; const url = 'https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment.json'; var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options); Logger.log(response.getContentText()); var obj = response.getAllHeaders(); var newUUID = obj["x-record-uuid"]; getAttachement(newUUID); Logger.log("New UUID " + newUUID); } function getAttachement(newUUID){ var fileToAttach = DriveApp.getFileById('1Yle6cG5EZuk_EMFd7ZE3IIUq72bspxuo'); var type = fileToAttach.getBlob().getContentType(); var fileData = fileToAttach.getBlob().getBytes(); uploadAttachment(newUUID, fileData, type); } function uploadAttachment(newUUID, fileData){ const url = 'https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/Attachment/' + newUUID + '.file'; const options = { 'method': 'POST', 'headers': { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/pdf', Authorization: 'Basic email/password' }, 'payload': JSON.stringify({ file: fileData, active: 1 }) }; var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options); Logger.log(response.getContentText()); } Hopefully someone can identify where my mistake is, or guide me with an alternative way of converting the data to binary (which is where I think my problem might be). Any assistance on this front will be greatly appreciated.

Custom fields API connection with Power BI

Hi, I can happily connect and read data using the standard ServiceM8 API but when I try to connect custom fields API with Microsoft Power BI (https://api.servicem8.com/custom_fields_1.0), I am getting told I am not authorize. Can anyone please assist me with connecting Custom Fields API to Power BI. Thank you

Account already exists

I'm trying to onboard some new staff who already use ServiceM8 with another company. When I try and invite them it says: account already exists. Do they need to setup another account with a different email address? Apart from that being an inconvenience for them, does that mean they need to be logging in and out all the time?

Google Analytics

Hi - we have a client who relies on a 3rd party provider to track their bookings via Google Analytics. We've set up the ServiceM8 Online Booking form as per normal, and have have configured the Google Analytics tracking ID However, Google Analytics data isn't capturing some of the conversions at all, and in some cases isn't accurately attributing the conversions to the correct source. This is important as without visibility of the conversion source, the customer is able to have accurately reported data for their advertising ROI. I've noticed a couple of other questions have been posted with similar issues, but alas... no responses. Throwing this up here in case.

Contacts already linked to Xero

We are integrating a inventory control system to ServiceM8. Both systems are linked to Xero. This is about Contact in Xero/Clients in ServiceM8. How can we manage clients between the three systems without duplicating everything in Xero? We would like to create contacts flexibly in one system or another but without having access to the Xero ContactID guid over the API I can not see how we can avoid duplicates.

Opening attachments on emails.

Hi, I have sent myself a dummy email with attachments. The email has around 70 photos in it but I can only open them 1 by 1 and every single time it opens up a new window when I click on 1 attachment. Is there a quicker way to open these attachments as it is not streamline for my clients. Thank you.

Integrate WordPress contact form to Service M8 job

Hi there I'm helping a client of yours who currently uses Service M8 for managing jobs. We'd like to set up a Book a Service form on his website (WordPress), and then use this to open a job in Service M8, carrying through some of the info shared in the form. Is this currently possible (apologies I'm not familiar with your system)? Thanks