Does anyone use Lana CRM or any other recommendations
Would like a great CRM to interact really well to service m8
Addon still linked and functional when deleted
It happens that when you delete and add-on, it is still being linked to the different entities and when events are triggered the add-on executes its function
How can i get permanent access token ?
I have using job insert API and in that access token will change within an one hour but i need permanent access token
I want to get all jobs completed today using API. I don't want to use webhook. Is there a way I can achieve this. I will use cron jobs for periodic refresh.
Currently it fetches all the jobs completed today but my issue are some jobs are not properly coming through while others are. I.am confused. Can I get little help?
Hi - can anyone clarify how / which field(s) servicem8 uses to deterimne the google maps job location for it's navigation function please?
ServiceM8 Not reathenticating
I get a 400 error with trying to obtain the refresh token. I seem to be following the documentation but i can't refresh my clients.
how to fetch invoices
Regarding Webhook Creation
Hi everyone,
It's not working
I don’t know why, but ServiceM8 stopped working on my phone
Service m8 talking to xero but not the otherway round?
Sending off my invoices to xero. Bookeeper makes them as paid but servicem8 isnt pulling that thru?