Job UUID Mergefield code in Forms/Invoice
Anybody been able to get the UUID for a job in a form template or document template?
Webhook subscriptions being deleted whenever a new one is created
Whenever a webhook subscription is created for ServiceM8 the previous one is deleted - meaning I can only ever have 1 webhook running at a time.
Custom App Commission
Good Afternoon,
We are looking to have a custom App developed for ServiceM8 that would work somewhat similar to the currently available "ServiceM8 Networking" app.
We currently utilize a Subcontractor company to complete some of our works. As they send out their own team, and utilize ServiceM8 for their internal team scheduling, we would be looking at having the functionality of ServiceM8 Networking, but to also have it able to much easier share completed forms, and any updates to the job that happen /after/ the networking has been done.
At current, we often have two team members go to a job - for example one team may be the roof team that goes on Monday-Wednesday to complete roofworks, then the electricians as our subcontractors would then go on the Wednesday-Thursday - at current, if our roof team puts any pictures or details on our ServiceM8 - we cannot then share that easily through Networking to our electricians subcontractors without manually doing it as a message - we would be wanting this to be automatic.
i get all attachment data through this Api https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment/{uuid}.json but i want to see the attachment
i get all attachment data through this Api
but i want to see the attachment
Recurring Jobs API entity?
Hi. I'm looking to report on Recurring Jobs and planned, yet to be confirmed, dates.
Why can't I add my own domain name to the ServiceM8 website add-on?
I want to use the website add-on but it requires me to select and use a brand new domain name which is useless as I already own the domain name for my brand. I asked in chat and was told it's not possible but why can't I simply add dns zone records to my domain to point to the website add-on? Doesn't make sense.
UTM tracking on invoice and quote link.
Hi everyone,
Form to Quote
can you covert a form to a quote
Custom Field API Help
How do I retrieve an attachment UUID?