Support please
Hi. Been 3 days since my query why the Addon system isnt working. I tried submitting a support ticket but keep getting directed here where there is no response. Can ServiceM8 please respond as I need to know that the 25 clients I am migrating from WorkflowMax will have the functionality they need.
make API calls for a clients enviroment
Hello, I would like to make an api call to fetch jobs and job materials from a clients environment however i am logging in via the partner program portal and do not see a way to use the basic auth (username and password)
Getting started with Hello World Addon - "Error Packaging Function. Please try again or contact support for assistance."
I am following the steps in this video:
using scripts for hello world here:
When saving the function it validates but then get the error:
"Error Packaging Function. Please try again or contact support for assistance."
Invoice and Payment
Hello team, which API I have to use to get the Invoices and Payments details from serviceM8
Converstion Tracking with GA4 and Google Ads - Confirmation Page
Hi team,
Parameter 'item_is_inventoried' in Materials has differing data type
The parameter 'item_is_inventoried' in Materials API is integer when POSTing,
Special chars in Client name
When importing clients via bulk csv, double spaces and colon (:) chars are removed from the name.
API create methods only one at a time
Trying to add clients via API ended up at about 5 min per 200 clients. Its around 4 secs on average to add a Job with minimal JSON. Why not extend the API create methods to accept an array of Clients/Jobs etc to save all the round trips?
Is there a problem with ServiceM8 webhooks this morning?
Seems to be a problem generating webhooks on ServiceM8 - started after 7:30 this morning
Does SericeM8 have Job Template API access?
Hi There,