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Zapier Error- Dev_file

I have setup zapier to send emails to specific staff members when a certain action is triggered on service m8. But one error I keep receiving is

"While requesting "dev_file" from ServiceM8 we ran into an error: The app returned "None"."

The staff on site service the clients equipment. If the equipment is found to be non-operational they will note it on their form. Zapier picks this up and sends an email to the manager an attached the said form.

What is strange it sometimes it will trigger and send without any issues, then all of a sudden I will receive a few of these errors. To the point where Zapier switches that Zap off.

I have done a similar zap on various other forms and also receive this error sporadic. So its not the specific form itself that is causing the error.

Zapier support tell me the error is being generated from service m8 server and not from them.

If anybody could maybe assist or point me in the right direction?