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Invoicing and reporting - faster?

Hi, all. We currently use ServiceM8 for rental compliance reporting for Victorian property owners. The process of compiling reports and invoices is VERY tedious and manual. Has someone whipped up some API magic to get this to happen faster? Manny

Scheduling a Job via API

Hi All, Unsure if anyone knows but is there a way to schedule a job for a specific time using the API? I have had a look and am unsure if we should be using Job Allocations (assume this allocates a staff member to the job) or if there is another method for scheduling a job for x duration starting from y date. Cheers Nick

Billing details on client record

Hi all, Could someone please advise how a clients billing details can be updated via the API? It seems that only billing_address is available, and I'm not able to set billing city/state/postcode. Thanks

Is it possible with ServiceM8 using API calls to interface with a CMMS system?

Is it possible with ServiceM8 using API calls to interface with a CMMS system? We currently utilize our CMMS to maintain customers, assets, generate work orders and history and contracts.

Is there a way to display Property Owner client name details on the report form for a job instead of the billing contact?

Sometimes we work with companies who have clients that will need their information instead of the billing contact. So this information is entered correctly into the forms without messing the billing contact information. Is there a way to have a custom field for the property owner?

Blocking out calender times

Hi, Is there a way to block out my ServiceM8 calender into specific allotments of time that have a title that I can then book relevant jobs over the top of? I know i can import my external calender from google etc, but these items only come up as busy in ServiceM8 and isnt useful if i want other people to book things in for me in the correct time slot. For example every monday morning i have appointment between 7-10. My assistant can see this in the service m8 calender and schedule my appointments in this time slot. Other staff members can see that monday morning between 7-10 i am out on appointments even if they have not been scheduled in yet.

How to change AddOn status to Ready (AWS Lambda integration)

Hi all, I'm having trouble with an AddOn that uses an AWS Lambda integration. I'm trying to set up an OAuth key for it, but I don't think it will let me because the AddOn is showing as "Not Ready" Is there a check-list that I can follow to find out why this is the case, or how to get the status to change to ready?

Form data export

If we can gather data from using a created form in order to produce a report for a client, how can we export the data or save as a readable format?

Oauth V2 Private Zapier Integration

I am trying to connect zapier to servicem8 and provide a deeper integration that what zapier currently provides. I want to be able to send sms and email from zapier but through servicem8 by building a private integration here: https://zapier.com/platform Has anyone done this? Having issues with Oauth authentication.

Producing the job list CSV via api

Hi, Is it possible to use the api interface to produce the job list CSV file that is available within ServiceM8 reporting tab? I would like to automate the collection of this data as the CSV has exactly what I need, and chaining the api lists together seems redundant