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Endpoint Update

Require guidance over the following point:

More than 10 items on the "service report" inbuilt into service8?

I'm not a developer, servicem8 has pointed me here as this is my last resort on being able to persist with servicem8.


503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

I am currently receiving a \r\n503 Service Temporarily Unavailable\r\n\r\n

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

\r\n\r\n\r\n when attempting to request a refresh token on all connections.

Is there a list of all rest API's

Is there any published list of all rest API's?


staff endpoint suddenly not working

We call the https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/staff.json endpoint for our environment. As of last night we have started getting a CloudFront error on call.


Has anyone created an add for F-gas compliance?

How do you set head office?

ServiceM8 has set my home as my head office, how do I change that?
I’m new to this app, is it designed to be used from a computer. I’m using it it with my phone at the moment.

Bundle max materials

Yet another frustrating hurdle in ServiceM8s system. Just found through trial and error there is a maximum of 50 materials allowed in a bundle.

Addon API request method

Been following the documentation and sample addon 'showcase-addon'. This returns error message:

Assigning service name to job number

I need to find a way to get a report that shows the service name/type from the services add on, and to have it linked to the correct job numbers so I can work out which services are more profitable for the business.