Add line item to quote using make.com
I am using make.com to create a quote job in SM8 from my website form
combine jobs
Is it possible to combine 2 jobs? we have initial workorders that often result in us then quoting for parts. The quote becomes a workorder once accepted. Can we bring that info into the original job?
Integrate my simple online booking form
I there a way to integrate the simple online booking form into my website rather than using the link in the settings tab?
ascociating a job to a specific asset
I really need to be able to associate at a minimum job card to an asset that was worked on. Preferably tracking the labor with description along with materials used discretely as I may work on more than one piece of equipment on a given visit and invoice.
Can we get xml or flat files out of servicem8?
just looking at options on how to integrate with Greentree
"Work Order" job_status not updating via API
When updating a job the strings for "Completed" and "Unsuccessful" both update perfectly however we are having an issue updating the status of a job to "Work Order" using the SM8 API.
Fetch Invoices to show as PDF to client via API
Hi there,
Getting delayed 400 error. Tax prices are inconsistent
We are using SM8s API to integrate with our quotation software and are able to create a quote and edit it no worries, however we leave it for some time. Not sure how long exactly, its usually a day or so in my instance. And we receive an error back from SM8 when trying to sync the same data to them, that was accepted days earlier.
Webhook Notification
I have a problem with webhook notifications.
Successfully configuring the webhook, gives the response of success.
After I change the records in serviceM8 it won't reflect the response to my configure URL in the webhook.
Why wont invoices approve?
Trying to approve invs and it just keeps trying and wont go through???? Tried restarting and nothing