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CLI lookup

Hi team, I have a client who is using servicem8 and is very happy with the service. I am working on streamlining things, and one of the ideas is to assist with customers who are "known" already in the servicem8 platform can be identified when they call. So what I would like is :- - when someone calls my client I want to take the caller CLI (number) and perform a "lookup" within the servicem8 platform via an API call that will return "customer name" or "business name". Because it is my voice platform the customer is using, I can capture the A-party caller number and can send the API request. Just no sure if I can use the phone number as a key to return a customer name. Thanks, Matt


Hi team, When I get attachments, "attachment_source" is always empty. Please could you guide how to get attachments? Regards

Customer Webhook on updates not working

Hi Guys, We are finding that the following webhooks aren't coming through from ServiceM8 on customer updates: 1. manage_customers 2. read_customer_contacts 3. manage_customer_contacts They are still working okay for us with adding new customers. Has something changed to cause this? Thanks, David

Issue : Webhooks are getting removed automatically in Servicem8

Hello Tech Team, We have subscribed to webhook to get the latest updated records from servicem8 which we can show on our website panels. To implement the webhooks, we have followed your official documentation (https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/webhooks-overview) and accordingly implemented it in our Project. After implementing it, it was working fine and we were getting updated data from servicem8 properly. However, after a couple of weeks, the webhook endpoint entries started disappearing and due to this, it stopped receiving updated data from servicem8. This has happened 3 times with us in this period. To solve this, every time, we are creating it again and then all of sudden, it’s stopping. Now, we would like you to check why it is getting removed? Let us know if you need servicem8 login details to check further. This is causing major disruption for our clients and raising red flags as they have a large client base that uses this platform. We cannot afford to experience these issues moving forward and need a solution to prevent from re-occurring. Can you please attend to this on priority?

Job Diary E-mail Type Through API

Hey, Currently trying to integrate into ServiceM8 through a separate software. Does anyone know if there's a way to view and also POST a job diary entry in the form of an e-mail communication. How it currently displays when a user sends/receives an e-mail through ServiceM8, in the job diary. I can't find a corresponding endpoint in the API. Any help would be appreciated!

Typo in addon-sdk-samples/hello-world-addon-python/README.md?

Should “3. Upload index.js to your lambda function” be “3. Upload index.**py** to your lambda function”?

Technician Name from Sm8 to Zoho CRM

Hi we have an account where we have an API that works between zoho CRM and ServiceM8 and we have a 2 way synch of data. We have one tasks that updates the CRM with jobs completed based on job number and it also updates the technician who completed the job, this used to work however the technician name is no longer updating in the CRM can you please look into this as the developer believes this issue is on your end? Thank you

Bulk import sites

Looking to bulk import sites. Anyone able to help?

Webhook contains the wrong header

Hi Ive been having major problems with your webhooks and I have found that the issue is that your header is xxx-url encode and not application/json as would ussually be expected. Is this something you can rectify at your end as I cant do anything about it at my end. Everything else returns json I am baffled as to why the webhook does not.

For add attachment using api

Hello I follow "https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/attaching-files-to-a-job-diary" this step but the attchment not upload and the active status "0" on create attachment api