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Inbound and Missed Calls API

Hi All,

Using Basic Auth to retrieve jobs via API results in Cloudflare 503

Our Job retrieval for 50+ ServiceM8 Accounts stopped yesterday after being intermittent. Our system cannot connect to the API service. We're nowhere near the 20,000 limit per account.

More than 10 items on the "service report" inbuilt into service8?

I'm not a developer, servicem8 has pointed me here as this is my last resort on being able to persist with servicem8.

Is there a list of all rest API's

Is there any published list of all rest API's?


Has anyone created an add for F-gas compliance?

How do you set head office?

ServiceM8 has set my home as my head office, how do I change that?
I’m new to this app, is it designed to be used from a computer. I’m using it it with my phone at the moment.

Bundle max materials

Yet another frustrating hurdle in ServiceM8s system. Just found through trial and error there is a maximum of 50 materials allowed in a bundle.

Addon API request method

Been following the documentation and sample addon 'showcase-addon'. This returns error message:

Assigning service name to job number

I need to find a way to get a report that shows the service name/type from the services add on, and to have it linked to the correct job numbers so I can work out which services are more profitable for the business.

Support please

Hi. Been 3 days since my query why the Addon system isnt working. I tried submitting a support ticket but keep getting directed here where there is no response. Can ServiceM8 please respond as I need to know that the 25 clients I am migrating from WorkflowMax will have the functionality they need.