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Feature request: SM8 Phone Call history endpoint

Hi ServiceM8 developer team, We would like SM8 Phone call history to be added to the public API. Access to this endpoint would allow one of our clients to create a report on phone calls & missed calls within ServiceM8. Will you be able to add this? Kind Regards, Albert

Increase 3rd Party Scope

Does anyone have any tips for adding extra OAuth2 scope for 3rd party apps like Zapier or Integromat? Standard modules/actions are preset with the appropriate scope but when building a custom API call certain actions get a 403 insufficient scope reply. Can action be taken within these apps to add to their scope? Does anyone know the methodology here? I assume this action would be permanent/semi-permanent, or does a scope field need to be built into each API call?

Remove a Job from a Queue?

How should a job be removed from a queue via API?

Job UUID Mergefield code in Forms/Invoice

Anybody been able to get the UUID for a job in a form template or document template?

Webhook subscriptions being deleted whenever a new one is created

Whenever a webhook subscription is created for ServiceM8 the previous one is deleted - meaning I can only ever have 1 webhook running at a time. This happens When creating a scenario in - Make.com(formerly Integromat) using the pre-built trigger modules (which create a webhook automatically). - When creating a webhook via the ServiceM8 API in Postman.com - When creating custom webhooks in Zapier. If you run an API GET request in the Make.com ServiceM8 module to the ‘webhook_subscriptions’ endpoint then it only ever returns 1 result. (Which is always the last webhook you created in Make.com) If you then create another webhook in another application (such as Postman) then run a GET request to the ‘webhook_subscriptions’ endpoint, it will only ever return 1 result (the last webhook created in Postman) Neither application is able to see webhooks created in the other application (even though the GET request should return a list of ALL ‘webhook_subscrptions’ Both of these webhooks will actually now work if you point a separate scenario to each of them in Make.com But if you create a new webhook in either application, then the old webhook that you had created in that application will stop working. The only application that you can create and use multiple webhooks seems to be Zapier. But even then, it only works if you create the webhooks via the pre-built trigger modules. If you create any custom webhooks, the same thing happens. I have tried contacting ServiceM8 support, and their response was; “I understand you came across an issue with our API. I'm afraid we cant provide solutions for the issue here. All information regarding our API is available online through our developer portal you should be able to find any information you need there - https://developer.servicem8.com You might also be able to find the solutions to your issue on our developer forum (https://developer.servicem8.com/discuss ), or on StackOverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/servicem8 ) If the solution is not there we recommend that you post the problem in the discussion board on either stack overflow or on our forum the developer community is usually very active and will respond it.”

Custom App Commission

Good Afternoon, We are looking to have a custom App developed for ServiceM8 that would work somewhat similar to the currently available "ServiceM8 Networking" app. We currently utilize a Subcontractor company to complete some of our works. As they send out their own team, and utilize ServiceM8 for their internal team scheduling, we would be looking at having the functionality of ServiceM8 Networking, but to also have it able to much easier share completed forms, and any updates to the job that happen /after/ the networking has been done. At current, we often have two team members go to a job - for example one team may be the roof team that goes on Monday-Wednesday to complete roofworks, then the electricians as our subcontractors would then go on the Wednesday-Thursday - at current, if our roof team puts any pictures or details on our ServiceM8 - we cannot then share that easily through Networking to our electricians subcontractors without manually doing it as a message - we would be wanting this to be automatic.

i get all attachment data through this Api https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment/{uuid}.json but i want to see the attachment

i get all attachment data through this Api https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment/{uuid}.json but i want to see the attachment

Recurring Jobs API entity?

Hi. I'm looking to report on Recurring Jobs and planned, yet to be confirmed, dates. Does anyone know what API reference / entity they are in? I though JobActivity, but it doesn't look like it. Thanks

UTM tracking on invoice and quote link.

Hi everyone, I would love to get UTM tracking implemented with ServivceM8, ultimately to be able see the sources/channels that revenue is coming from. I have had a look and can only see the ability to do so using customer checkout with an addon. This obviously isn't viable as I imagine it wouldn't be for most trade business's. I am wondering if there is a way to get UTM implemented into the quote and invoice link? Has anyone looked into this and found a resolution? Or spoken to ServiceM8 about it. Surely this is a simple feature they could be interested in implementing? Any help is much appreciated!

Form to Quote

can you covert a form to a quote