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combine jobs

Is it possible to combine 2 jobs? we have initial workorders that often result in us then quoting for parts. The quote becomes a workorder once accepted. Can we bring that info into the original job?

Integrate my simple online booking form

I there a way to integrate the simple online booking form into my website rather than using the link in the settings tab? I want to embed it in my contact us page.

ascociating a job to a specific asset

I really need to be able to associate at a minimum job card to an asset that was worked on. Preferably tracking the labor with description along with materials used discretely as I may work on more than one piece of equipment on a given visit and invoice.

"Work Order" job_status not updating via API

When updating a job the strings for "Completed" and "Unsuccessful" both update perfectly however we are having an issue updating the status of a job to "Work Order" using the SM8 API. I've checked in the dev portal and can see that indeed "Work Order" is the correct string as anything else is rejected. Am I missing something or is there other data relating to a job that has to be completed before it changes to work order?

Fetch Invoices to show as PDF to client via API

Hi there, I'm currently developing a custom portal, so I want to fetch all invoices through the API, for the client for all jobs they have, as well as the report forms ('like smoke alarm inspection report') Anyone can shed light on this? Thanks!

Webhook Notification

I have a problem with webhook notifications. Successfully configuring the webhook, gives the response of success. After I change the records in serviceM8 it won't reflect the response to my configure URL in the webhook.

Question on Service M8 Booking form API

Hi Team, We have built this solution <https://booking.safebuy.com.au/> using Simplybook.me API. One of the Service M8 customers approached us and asked whether we could make a custom booking application like <https://booking.safebuy.com.au/> using Service M8 API. That customer currently uses Service M8 general booking form <https://book.servicem8.com/request_service_online_booking?strVendorUUID=0dd06ae7-1e5c-4d0a-8ba7-20a732d0f59b&utm_source=Website> for their end customer to book and pay for the inspection. After the customer enquiry, we signed up for the Service M8 developer program, watched a few intro videos, and reviewed the API documents. From what we have assessed, we may not build the custom booking application using Service M8 API, as the API doesn't support public-facing guest checkout. We could be wrong too. Is there any way we can build a custom application like <https://booking.safebuy.com.au/> using Service M8 API? Regards, Fayaz

Zapier integration

Is it possible to have Trigger - new job - but without the internal trigger of a job category? We want to push new jobs through to our CRM but some are uncategorised. Additionally, it would be helpful to have the option to move contacts through the zaps based on Job Status (quote, unsuccessful etc). Is any of this on the cards? Thank you.

Is it possible to charge a fee for ServiceM8 customers paying with credit card through stripe?

I’d like to have the option to pass on the credit card fees to clients who chose to pay by credit card. I don’t want to charge clients who pay by bank transfer. Since I don’t know what method of payment a client will choose, I can’t add the fee as a line item on the invoice. So, it needs to be an added percentage put on top of the invoice price. For me, stripe processes the credit card and I also have Xero integrated. I asked ServiceM8 support and they told me I should just increase all of my prices. They don’t have this feature on their radar.

Phone app

I’m in trial mode of sm8 and am wondering if anyone has feedback on the phone app that originally brought me to this software. I see the reviews are poor due to it being new but that was last year. Anyone using it successfully I’d love to hear about it