Job toolbar button to open an external web page / URL
We are developing an order form and wish to add a button in toolbar to open our from via URL and include the job uuid so we can refer back to the job via REST API
Layout and Field Update
Hi Team,
Bulk Import Wizard Issue
Hello, I am trying ServiceM8’s 14 day trial and do not seem to be “Validating record(s)”?
Disable 2FA for Private Application access
I accidentally deleted a client, how can I restore it?
I accidentally deleted a client, how can I restore it?
Not able to see Company Contacts
Hello Support ,
Intergration of my CRM system with Sm8
Currently, I am trying to integrate my leadflow of clients from my Facebook to my CRM system so we can send them a newsletter etc
Connecting to spare parts websites
Is it possible to have a spare parts website open within the job card.
Xero removal
Just wondering if we have to have a Xero subscription with ServiceM8 as we primarily just use serviceM8 invoice tracking system and stripe to receive invoice payments.
Invocing payment terms
Hey, I'm just wondering if there is a way to change my serviceM8 invoice due date to 10 days from job completion/dispatch of invoice. I know you go into settings > preferences > invoicing > invoicing terms but there are only options for COD, Pre paid, 7, 14 and 30 days. I know you can make a specific one for each client but just wondering if theres an easier solution.